
Chong Shen

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3EEOlivia Brickley, Chong Shen, Martin Klepal, Amir Tabatabaei, Dirk Pesch: A Data Dissemination Strategy for Cooperative Vehicular Systems. VTC Spring 2007: 2501-2505
2EEXiangxing Shen, Dongmin Li, Chong Shen: Evaluating China's university library Web sites using correspondence analysis. JASIST 57(4): 493-500 (2006)
1EEChong Shen, Dirk Pesch, James Irvine: A Framework for Self-Management of Hybrid Wireless Networks Using Autonomic Computing Principles. CNSR 2005: 261-266

Coauthor Index

1Olivia Brickley [3]
2James Irvine [1]
3Martin Klepal [3]
4Dongmin Li [2]
5Dirk Pesch [1] [3]
6Xiangxing Shen [2]
7Amir Tabatabaei [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)