
Dirk Pesch

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14EEBernd-Ludwig Wenning, Dirk Pesch, Andreas Timm-Giel, Carmelita Görg: Environmental Monitoring Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. MWCN/PWC 2008: 5-16
13EERodolfo de Paz Alberola, Dirk Pesch: AvroraZ: extending Avrora with an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant radio chip model. PM2HW2N 2008: 43-50
12EEAlan McGibney, Martin Klepal, Dirk Pesch: WLAN Design: A Distributed Approach. VTC Spring 2008: 371-375
11EEDonna Griffin, Dirk Pesch: A service oriented marketplace for next generation networks. AAMAS 2007: 109
10EEAlan McGibney, Martin Klepal, Dirk Pesch: User Demand Based WLAN Design and Optimisation. VTC Spring 2007: 1101-1105
9EEOlivia Brickley, Chong Shen, Martin Klepal, Amir Tabatabaei, Dirk Pesch: A Data Dissemination Strategy for Cooperative Vehicular Systems. VTC Spring 2007: 2501-2505
8EEDonna Griffin, Dirk Pesch: Market-Based Service Orchestration for Next Generation Mobile Networks. VTC Spring 2007: 669-673
7EEKen Murray, Dirk Pesch: Call Admission and Handover in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. IEEE Internet Computing 11(2): 44-52 (2007)
6EEBernd-Ludwig Wenning, Andreas Timm-Giel, Dirk Pesch: A Distributed Routing Approach for Vehicle Routing in Logistic Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEChong Shen, Dirk Pesch, James Irvine: A Framework for Self-Management of Hybrid Wireless Networks Using Autonomic Computing Principles. CNSR 2005: 261-266
4EEEleanor O'Neill, Martin Klepal, David Lewis, Tony O'Donnell, Declan O'Sullivan, Dirk Pesch: A Testbed for Evaluating Human Interaction with Ubiquitous Computing Environments. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 60-69
3EEDirk Pesch, Maria Isabel Pous, Gerry Foster: Performance evaluation of SIP-based multimedia services in UMTS. Computer Networks 49(3): 385-403 (2005)
2EEKen Murray, Rajiv Mathur, Dirk Pesch: Intelligent access and mobility management in heterogeneous wireless networks using policy. ISICT 2003: 181-186
1EEJohn Paul O'Grady, Susan Rea, Sinead Cummins, Dirk Pesch, Rajiv Mathur: Dynamic configuration management for MANETs: an overview. ISICT 2003: 187-192

Coauthor Index

1Rodolfo de Paz Alberola [13]
2Olivia Brickley [9]
3Sinead Cummins [1]
4Gerry Foster [3]
5Carmelita Görg [14]
6Donna Griffin [8] [11]
7James Irvine [5]
8Martin Klepal [4] [9] [10] [12]
9David Lewis [4]
10Rajiv Mathur [1] [2]
11Alan McGibney [10] [12]
12Ken Murray [2] [7]
13Tony O'Donnell [4]
14John Paul O'Grady [1]
15Eleanor O'Neill [4]
16Declan O'Sullivan [4]
17Maria Isabel Pous [3]
18Susan Rea [1]
19Chong Shen [5] [9]
20Amir Tabatabaei [9]
21Andreas Timm-Giel [6] [14]
22Bernd-Ludwig Wenning [6] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)