
Afrodite Sevasti

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18EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Performance analysis of relative service using TCP-aware marking and dynamic WRED. Int. J. Communication Systems 22(3): 277-305 (2009)
17EEAthanassios Liakopoulos, Andreas Hanemann, Afrodite Sevasti: Point-to-Point Services in Hybrid Networks: Technologies and Performance Metrics. ICNS 2007: 11
16EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: An analytical QoS service model for delay-based differentiation. Computer Networks 51(12): 3549-3563 (2007)
15EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Performance Enhancement of an AF Service Using TCP-Aware Marking and Dynamic WRED. ISCC 2005: 642-647
14EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Service level agreements for DiffServ-based services' provisioning. J. Network and Computer Applications 28(4): 285-302 (2005)
13EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: SLA-based QoS pricing in DiffServ networks. Computer Communications 27(18): 1868-1880 (2004)
12EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Deployment of a DiffServ-Based Priority Service in a MAN/WAN Environment. AINA 2003: 27-32
11EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Analytical Approach and Verification of a DiffServ-Based Priority Service. HSNMC 2003: 11-20
10EEChristos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Performance analysis for a DiffServ-enabled network: The case of Relative Service. NCA 2003: 381-388
9EEMauro Campanella, Michal Przybylski, Rudolf Roth, Afrodite Sevasti, Nicolas Simar: Multidomain End to End IP QoS and SLA. QoS-IP 2003: 171-184
8EEChristos Bouras, Mauro Campanella, Michal Przybylski, Afrodite Sevasti: QoS and SLA aspects across multiple management domains: the SEQUIN approach. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(2): 313-326 (2003)
7EEChristos Bouras, Dimitris Primpas, Afrodite Sevasti, Andreas Varnavas: Enhancing the DiffServ Architecture of a Simulation Environment. DS-RT 2002: 108-118
6 Christos Bouras, Afrodite Sevasti: Pricing Priority Services over DiffServ-enabled Transport Networks. INTERWORKING 2002: 25-37
5EEChristos Bouras, Agisilaos Konidaris, Eleni Konidari, Afrodite Sevasti: Introducing Navigation Graphs as a Technique for Improving WWW User Browsing. WAIM 2001: 249-256
4EEAfrodite Sevasti, Christos Bouras: Using Java to implement a multimedia annotation environment for young children. ACM Multimedia 2000: 187-194
3EEChristos Bouras, Vaggelis Kapoulas, Agisilaos Konidaris, Afrodite Sevasti: A Dynamic Distributed Video on Demand Service. ICDCS 2000: 496-503
2 Christos Bouras, Agisilaos Konidaris, Afrodite Sevasti: Virtual environments in educational networks. Communications and Networking in Education 1999: 195-204
1 Christos Bouras, Agisilaos Konidaris, Afrodite Sevasti: The Transition from Contemporary to Virtual User Interfaces for Web-Based Services. WebNet 1999: 125-130

Coauthor Index

1Christos Bouras [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18]
2Mauro Campanella [8] [9]
3Andreas Hanemann [17]
4Vaggelis Kapoulas [3]
5Eleni Konidari [5]
6Agisilaos Konidaris [1] [2] [3] [5]
7Athanassios Liakopoulos [17]
8Dimitris Primpas [7]
9Michal Przybylski [8] [9]
10Rudolf Roth [9]
11Nicolas Simar [9]
12Andreas Varnavas [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)