
Michal Przybylski

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4 Artur Binczewski, Michal Przybylski, Maciej Stroinski, Jan Weglarz: Porta Optica - Distributed Optical Gateway to GÉANT2. TNC 2005
3 Michal Przybylski, Bartosz Belter, Artur Binczewski: Shall we worry about Packet Reordering? TNC 2005
2EEMauro Campanella, Michal Przybylski, Rudolf Roth, Afrodite Sevasti, Nicolas Simar: Multidomain End to End IP QoS and SLA. QoS-IP 2003: 171-184
1EEChristos Bouras, Mauro Campanella, Michal Przybylski, Afrodite Sevasti: QoS and SLA aspects across multiple management domains: the SEQUIN approach. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(2): 313-326 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Bartosz Belter [3]
2Artur Binczewski [3] [4]
3Christos Bouras [1]
4Mauro Campanella [1] [2]
5Rudolf Roth [2]
6Afrodite Sevasti [1] [2]
7Nicolas Simar [2]
8Maciej Stroinski [4]
9Jan Weglarz [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)