
María M. Seron

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8EEMaría M. Seron, Xiang W. Zhuo, José A. De Doná, John J. Martínez: Multisensor switching control strategy with fault tolerance guarantees. Automatica 44(1): 88-97 (2008)
7EEErnesto Kofman, María M. Seron, Hernan Haimovich: Control design with guaranteed ultimate bound for perturbed systems. Automatica 44(7): 1815-1821 (2008)
6EEHernan Haimovich, María M. Seron: Multivariable quadratically-stabilizing quantizers with finite density. Automatica 44(7): 1880-1885 (2008)
5EEChristian Løvaas, María M. Seron, Graham C. Goodwin: Robust output-feedback model predictive control for systems with unstructured uncertainty. Automatica 44(8): 1933-1943 (2008)
4EEHernan Haimovich, Ernesto Kofman, María M. Seron: Systematic ultimate bound computation for sampled-data systems with quantization. Automatica 43(6): 1117-1123 (2007)
3EEGraham C. Goodwin, María M. Seron, Richard H. Middleton, Meimei Zhang, Bryan F. Hennessy, Peter M. Stone, Merab Menabde: Receding horizon control applied to optimal mine planning. Automatica 42(8): 1337-1342 (2006)
2EED. Q. Mayne, María M. Seron, Sasa V. Rakovic: Robust model predictive control of constrained linear systems with bounded disturbances. Automatica 41(2): 219-224 (2005)
1EEGraham C. Goodwin, José A. De Doná, María M. Seron, Xiang W. Zhuo: Lagrangian duality between constrained estimation and control. Automatica 41(6): 935-944 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1José A. De Doná [1] [8]
2Graham C. Goodwin [1] [3] [5]
3Hernan Haimovich [4] [6] [7]
4Bryan F. Hennessy [3]
5Ernesto Kofman [4] [7]
6Christian Løvaas [5]
7John J. Martínez [8]
8D. Q. Mayne [2]
9Merab Menabde [3]
10Richard H. Middleton [3]
11Sasa V. Rakovic [2]
12Peter M. Stone [3]
13Meimei Zhang [3]
14Xiang W. Zhuo [1] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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