
Ernesto Kofman

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4EERodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer: A formal framework for stochastic DEVS modeling and simulation. SpringSim 2008: 421-428
3EEErnesto Kofman, María M. Seron, Hernan Haimovich: Control design with guaranteed ultimate bound for perturbed systems. Automatica 44(7): 1815-1821 (2008)
2EEHernan Haimovich, Ernesto Kofman, María M. Seron: Systematic ultimate bound computation for sampled-data systems with quantization. Automatica 43(6): 1117-1123 (2007)
1EEErnesto Kofman: Non-conservative ultimate bound estimation in LTI perturbed systems. Automatica 41(10): 1835-1838 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Rodrigo Castro [4]
2Hernan Haimovich [2] [3]
3María M. Seron [2] [3]
4Gabriel A. Wainer [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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