
Raja Sengupta

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11EEChristian Manasseh, Katherine Ahern, Raja Sengupta: The connected traveler: using location and personalization on mobile devices to improve transportation. LocWeb 2009: 9
10EEZu Whan Kim, Raja Sengupta: Target detection and position likelihood using an aerial image sensor. ICRA 2008: 59-64
9EESivakumar Rathinam, Raja Sengupta: Algorithms for Routing Problems Involving UAVs. Innovations in Intelligent Machines (1) 2007: 147-172
8 Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Hannes Hartenstein, David B. Johnson, Raja Sengupta: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, VANET 2005, Cologne, Germany, September 2, 2005 ACM 2005
7EEMarco Zennaro, Raja Sengupta: Distributing synchronous programs using bounded queues. EMSOFT 2005: 325-334
6 Tim G. McGee, Raja Sengupta, Karl Hedrick: Obstacle Detection for Small Autonomous Aircraft Using Sky Segmentation. ICRA 2005: 4679-4684
5EETony K. Mak, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Raja Sengupta: A multi-channel VANET providing concurrent safety and commercial services. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2005: 1-9
4 Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Raja Sengupta, Chen-Nee Chuah, Daniel Jiang: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 1, 2004 ACM 2004
3EEQing Xu, Tony K. Mak, Jeff Ko, Raja Sengupta: Vehicle-to-vehicle safety messaging in DSRC. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2004: 19-28
2EEVikas Taliwal, Daniel Jiang, Heiko Mangold, Chi Chen, Raja Sengupta: Empirical determination of channel characteristics for DSRC vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2004: 88
1EEMustafa Ergen, Duke Lee, Raja Sengupta, Pravin Varaiya: Wireless Token Ring Protocol-Performance Comparison with IEEE 802.11. ISCC 2003: 710-715

Coauthor Index

1Katherine Ahern [11]
2Chi Chen [2]
3Chen-Nee Chuah [4]
4Mustafa Ergen [1]
5Hannes Hartenstein [8]
6Karl Hedrick [6]
7Daniel Jiang [2] [4]
8David B. Johnson [8]
9Zu Whan Kim [10]
10Jeff Ko [3]
11Kenneth P. Laberteaux [4] [5] [8]
12Duke Lee [1]
13Tony K. Mak [3] [5]
14Christian Manasseh [11]
15Heiko Mangold [2]
16Tim G. McGee [6]
17Sivakumar Rathinam [9]
18Vikas Taliwal [2]
19Pravin Varaiya [1]
20Qing Xu [3]
21Marco Zennaro [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)