
András Sebö

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40EEPierre Charbit, András Sebö: Cyclic orders: Equivalence and duality. Combinatorica 28(2): 131-143 (2008)
39EEYannick Frein, Benjamin Lévêque, András Sebö: Generating All Sets With Bounded Unions. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 17(5): 641-660 (2008)
38EEGerd Finke, Vincent Jost, Maurice Queyranne, András Sebö: Batch processing with interval graph compatibilities between tasks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(5): 556-568 (2008)
37EEEdwin O'Shea, András Sebö: Characterizations of Total Dual Integrality. IPCO 2007: 382-396
36EEYannick Frein, Benjamin Lévêque, András Sebö: Optimizing diversity CoRR abs/0711.2998: (2007)
35EEYannick Frein, Benjamin Lévêque, András Sebö: Optimizing diversity. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 73-77 (2007)
34EEAndrás Sebö: Minmax relations for cyclically ordered digraphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(4): 518-552 (2007)
33EEAndrás Sebö: A Berge-keeping operation for graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(19-20): 2582-2592 (2006)
32EEAndrás Sebö, László Szegö: The Path-Packing Structure of Graphs. IPCO 2004: 256-270
31EENicola Apollonio, András Sebö: Minsquare Factors and Maxfix Covers of Graphs. IPCO 2004: 388-400
30EEAndrás Sebö, Eric Tannier: On Metric Generators of Graphs. Math. Oper. Res. 29(2): 383-393 (2004)
29EEGábor Bacsó, Sylvain Gravier, András Gyárfás, Myriam Preissmann, András Sebö: Coloring the Maximal Cliques of Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 17(3): 361-376 (2004)
28EEGrigor Gasparyan, Myriam Preissmann, András Sebö: Imperfect and Nonideal Clutters: A Common Approach. Combinatorica 23(2): 283-302 (2003)
27EEAndrás Sebö, Eric Tannier: Connected Joins in Graphs. IPCO 2001: 383-395
26EEKarina Marcus, András Sebö: Integer multiflows and metric packings beyond the cut condition. Discrete Mathematics 239(1-3): 13-31 (2001)
25EEJoseph Cheriyan, András Sebö, Zoltán Szigeti: Improving on the 1.5-Approximation of a Smallest 2-Edge Connected Spanning Subgraph. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 14(2): 170-180 (2001)
24EEAndrás Sebö: An Introduction to Empty Lattice Simplices. IPCO 1999: 400-414
23EEAndrás Sebö, Zeev Waksman: Optimal Binary Trees with Order Constraints. Discrete Applied Mathematics 91(1-3): 305-311 (1999)
22EEJoseph Cheriyan, András Sebö, Zoltán Szigeti: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Size 2-Edge Connected Spanning Subgraphs. IPCO 1998: 126-136
21EEAndrás Sebö: Characterizing Noninteger Polyhedra with 0-1 Constraints. IPCO 1998: 37-52
20EEWojciech Bienia, Luis A. Goddyn, Pavol Gvozdjak, András Sebö, Michael Tarsi: Flows, View Obstructions, and the Lonely Runner. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 72(1): 1-9 (1998)
19 András Sebö: Potentials in Undirected Graphs and Planar Multiflows. SIAM J. Comput. 26(2): 582-603 (1997)
18EEAndrás Frank, Alexander V. Karzanov, András Sebö: On Integer Multiflow Maximization. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 10(1): 158-170 (1997)
17 Beth Novick, András Sebö: On Ideal Clutters, Metrics and Multiflows. IPCO 1996: 275-287
16 Yair Caro, András Sebö, Michael Tarsi: Recognizing Greedy Structures. J. Algorithms 20(1): 137-156 (1996)
15EEAndrás Sebö: On Critical Edges in Minimal Imperfect Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 67(1): 62-85 (1996)
14 Karina Marcus, András Sebö: On Integer Multiflows and Metric Packings in Matroids. Combinatorics and Computer Science 1995: 218-233
13 Beth Novick, András Sebö: On Combinatorial Properties of Binary Spaces. IPCO 1995: 212-227
12 Michael Lomonosov, András Sebö: On the geodesic-structure of graphs: a polyhedral approach to metric decomposition. IPCO 1993: 221-234
11 András Sebö: Circuit packings on surfaces with at most three cross-caps. IPCO 1993: 433-446
10EEWerner Schwärzler, András Sebö: A generalized cut-condition for multiflows in matroids. Discrete Mathematics 113(1-3): 207-221 (1993)
9EEAndrás Sebö: General Antifactors of Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 58(2): 174-184 (1993)
8EEAndrás Sebö: Integer Plane Multiflows with a Fixed Number of Demands. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 59(2): 163-171 (1993)
7 András Sebö: Forcing Colorations and the Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture. IPCO 1992: 353-366
6 András Frank, Alexander V. Karzanov, András Sebö: On Multiflow Problems. IPCO 1992: 85-101
5 Jean Fonlupt, András Sebö: On the Clique-Rank and the Coloration of Perfect Graphs. IPCO 1990: 201-216
4 András Sebö: Hilbert Bases, Caratheodory's Theorem and Combinatorial Optimization. IPCO 1990: 431-455
3EEAndrás Sebö: Undirected distances and the postman-structure of graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 49(1): 10-39 (1990)
2 András Sebö: The Schrijver system of odd join polyhedra. Combinatorica 8(1): 103-116 (1988)
1EEAndrás Sebö: A quick proof of Seymour's theorem on t-joins. Discrete Mathematics 64(1): 101-103 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Nicola Apollonio [31]
2Gábor Bacsó [29]
3Wojciech Bienia [20]
4Yair Caro [16]
5Pierre Charbit [40]
6Joseph Cheriyan [22] [25]
7Gerd Finke [38]
8Jean Fonlupt [5]
9András Frank [6] [18]
10Yannick Frein [35] [36] [39]
11Grigor Gasparyan [28]
12Luis A. Goddyn [20]
13Sylvain Gravier [29]
14Pavol Gvozdjak [20]
15András Gyárfás [29]
16Vincent Jost [38]
17Alexander V. Karzanov [6] [18]
18Benjamin Lévêque [35] [36] [39]
19Michael Lomonosov [12]
20Karina Marcus [14] [26]
21Beth Novick [13] [17]
22Edwin O'Shea [37]
23Myriam Preissmann [28] [29]
24Maurice Queyranne [38]
25Werner Schwärzler [10]
26László Szegö [32]
27Zoltán Szigeti [22] [25]
28Eric Tannier [27] [30]
29Michael Tarsi [16] [20]
30Zeev Waksman [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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