
Jean Fonlupt

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16EEDenis Cornaz, Jean Fonlupt: Chromatic characterization of biclique covers. Discrete Mathematics 306(5): 495-507 (2006)
15EEJean Fonlupt, Ali Ridha Mahjoub: Critical extreme points of the 2-edge connected spanning subgraph polytope. Math. Program. 105(2-3): 289-310 (2006)
14EEJean Fonlupt, Ahmed Hadjar: The stable set polytope and some operations on graphs. Discrete Mathematics 252(1-3): 123-140 (2002)
13EEVasek Chvátal, Jean Fonlupt, L. Sun, A. Zemirline: Recognizing Dart-Free Perfect Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 31(5): 1315-1338 (2002)
12EEVasek Chvátal, Jean Fonlupt, L. Sun, A. Zemirline: Recognizing dart-free perfect graphs. SODA 2000: 50-53
11EEJean Fonlupt, Ali Ridha Mahjoub: Critical Extreme Points of the 2-Edge Connected Spanning Subgraph Polytope. IPCO 1999: 166-182
10EEMichel Burlet, Jean Fonlupt: Polyhedral consequences of the amalgam operation. Discrete Mathematics 130(1-3): 39-55 (1994)
9EEFrancisco Barahona, Jean Fonlupt, Ali Ridha Mahjoub: Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra IV: Acyclic Spanning Subgraphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7(3): 390-402 (1994)
8EEJean Fonlupt, Armand Nachef: Dynamic Programming and the Graphical Traveling Salesman Problem. J. ACM 40(5): 1165-1187 (1993)
7EEDerek G. Corneil, Jean Fonlupt: Stable Set Bonding in Perfect Graphs and Parity Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 59(1): 1-14 (1993)
6EEJean Fonlupt, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, J. P. Uhry: Compositions in the bipartite subgraph polytope. Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 73-91 (1992)
5 Jean Fonlupt, Denis Naddef: The traveling salesman problem in graphs with some excluded minors. Math. Program. 53: 147-172 (1992)
4 Jean Fonlupt, András Sebö: On the Clique-Rank and the Coloration of Perfect Graphs. IPCO 1990: 201-216
3EEDerek G. Corneil, Jean Fonlupt: The complexity of generalized clique covering. Discrete Applied Mathematics 22(2): 109-118 (1989)
2EEWilliam J. Cook, Jean Fonlupt, Alexander Schrijver: An integer analogue of Carathéodory's theorem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 40(1): 63-70 (1986)
1EEJean Fonlupt, A. Zemirline: On the number of common bases of two matroids. Discrete Mathematics 45(2-3): 217-228 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Francisco Barahona [9]
2Michel Burlet [10]
3Vasek Chvátal [12] [13]
4William J. Cook [2]
5Denis Cornaz [16]
6Derek G. Corneil [3] [7]
7Ahmed Hadjar [14]
8Ali Ridha Mahjoub [6] [9] [11] [15]
9Armand Nachef [8]
10Denis Naddef [5]
11Alexander Schrijver [2]
12András Sebö [4]
13L. Sun [12] [13]
14J. P. Uhry [6]
15A. Zemirline [1] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)