
Peter Schwarz

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9EEPeter Schneider, Sven Reitz, Andreas Wilde, Günter Elst, Peter Schwarz: Towards a Methodology for Analysis of Interconnect Structures for 3D-Integration of Micro Systems CoRR abs/0802.3089: (2008)
8EEPeter Schwarz: Simulation of systems with dynamically varying model structure. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79(4): 850-863 (2008)
7EEKarsten Einwich, Peter Schwarz: SystemC-AMS Steps towards an Implementation. FDL 2003: 72-81
6EETimm Ostermann, C. Lackner, R. Koessl, Richard Hagelauer, K. Beer, Ludger Krahn, H.-T. Mammen, Werner John, Anton Sauer, Peter Schwarz, Günter Elst, M. Pistauer: LIMA: The New e-Learning Platform in Microelectronic Applications. MSE 2003: 115-116
5EER. Sommer, Irmtraud Rugen-Herzig, E. Hennig, Umberto Gatti, Piero Malcovati, Franco Maloberti, Karsten Einwich, Christoph Clauß, Peter Schwarz, G. Noessing: From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications. DATE 2002: 884-893
4EEMirko Benz, Klaus Feske, Uwe Hatnik, Peter Schwarz: TCP/IP Protocol Engine System Simulation. PROMS 2001: 155-164
3EEUwe Hatnik, Jürgen Haufe, Peter Schwarz: An Innovative Approach to Couple EDA Tools with Reconfigurable Hardware. FPL 2000: 826-829
2 Peter Schwarz, Christoph Clauß, Ulrich Donath, Jürgen Haufe, Gunter Kurth, Peter Trappe: KOSIM-ein Mixed-Mode, Multi-Level-Simulator. Rechnergestützter Entwurf und Architektur mikroelektronischer Systeme 1990: 207-220
1 Kurt Reinschke, Peter Schwarz: Sensitivity analysis of linear and nonlinear network. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 11(7/8): 405-421 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1K. Beer [6]
2Mirko Benz [4]
3Christoph Clauß [2] [5]
4Ulrich Donath [2]
5Karsten Einwich [5] [7]
6Günter Elst [6] [9]
7Klaus Feske [4]
8Umberto Gatti [5]
9Richard Hagelauer [6]
10Uwe Hatnik [3] [4]
11Jürgen Haufe [2] [3]
12E. Hennig [5]
13Werner John [6]
14R. Koessl [6]
15Ludger Krahn [6]
16Gunter Kurth [2]
17C. Lackner [6]
18Piero Malcovati [5]
19Franco Maloberti [5]
20H.-T. Mammen [6]
21G. Noessing [5]
22Timm Ostermann [6]
23M. Pistauer [6]
24Kurt Reinschke [1]
25Sven Reitz [9]
26Irmtraud Rugen-Herzig [5]
27Anton Sauer [6]
28Peter Schneider [9]
29R. Sommer [5]
30Peter Trappe [2]
31Andreas Wilde [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)