
Uwe Hatnik

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4EEUwe Hatnik, Sven Altmann: Using ModelSim, Matlab/Simulink and NS for Simulation of Distributed Systems. PARELEC 2004: 114-119
3EEThomas Hinze, Uwe Hatnik, Monika Sturm: An Object Oriented Simulation of Real Occurring Molecular Biological Processes for DNA Computing and Its Experimental Verification. DNA 2001: 1-13
2EEMirko Benz, Klaus Feske, Uwe Hatnik, Peter Schwarz: TCP/IP Protocol Engine System Simulation. PROMS 2001: 155-164
1EEUwe Hatnik, Jürgen Haufe, Peter Schwarz: An Innovative Approach to Couple EDA Tools with Reconfigurable Hardware. FPL 2000: 826-829

Coauthor Index

1Sven Altmann [4]
2Mirko Benz [2]
3Klaus Feske [2]
4Jürgen Haufe [1]
5Thomas Hinze [3]
6Peter Schwarz [1] [2]
7Monika Sturm [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)