
Dominic A. Schupke

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12EEClara Meusburger, Dominic A. Schupke, Jörg Eberspächer: Multiperiod Planning for Optical Networks - Approaches Based on Cost Optimization and Limited Budget. ICC 2008: 5390-5395
11 Hannu Flinck, Claus G. Gruber, Marco Hoffmann, Andreas Kirstädter, Christian Merkle, Thomas Michaelis, Dominic A. Schupke: Packet Transport for the Future Internet (Paketorientierter Transport für das zukünftige Internet). it - Information Technology 50(6): 351-357 (2008)
10EEMarwan Batayneh, Dominic A. Schupke, Marco Hoffmann, Andreas Kirstädter, Biswanath Mukherjee: Lightpath-Level Protection versus Connection-Level Protection for Carrier-Grade Ethernet in a Mixed-Line-Rate Telecom Network. GLOBECOM 2007: 2178-2182
9EEHarald Rohde, Dominic A. Schupke: Securing Passive Optical Networks Against Signal Injection Attacks. ONDM 2007: 96-100
8EEAnton Riedl, Dominic A. Schupke: Routing optimization in IP networks utilizing additive and concave link metrics. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 15(5): 1136-1148 (2007)
7EEM. Scheffel, R. G. Prinz, Claus G. Gruber, A. Autenrieth, Dominic A. Schupke: Optimal Routing and Grooming for Multilayer Networks with Transponders and Muxponders. GLOBECOM 2006
6EEDominic A. Schupke: Automatic protection switching for p. Optical Switching and Networking 2(1): 35-48 (2005)
5EEDominic A. Schupke: Comparison of p-Cycle Configuration Methods for Dynamic Networks. OpNeTec 2004: 153-159
4EEDominic A. Schupke: Multiple failure survivability in WDM networks with p-cycles. ISCAS (3) 2003: 866-869
3EEDominic A. Schupke: Packet Transfer Delay of the SRP Ring. LCN 2001: 464-467
2 Dominic A. Schupke, Stefan Weigert, Oliver Jahreis: A Transponder for Gigabit Ethernet over WDM. ONDM 2001: 275-286
1 Dominic A. Schupke: Link and Path Asymmetry Issues in IP over WDM Transport Networks. ONDM 2001: 287-296

Coauthor Index

1A. Autenrieth [7]
2Marwan Batayneh [10]
3Jörg Eberspächer [12]
4Hannu Flinck [11]
5Claus G. Gruber [7] [11]
6Marco Hoffmann [10] [11]
7Oliver Jahreis [2]
8Andreas Kirstädter [10] [11]
9Christian Merkle [11]
10Clara Meusburger [12]
11Thomas Michaelis [11]
12Biswanath Mukherjee [10]
13R. G. Prinz [7]
14Anton Riedl [8]
15Harald Rohde [9]
16M. Scheffel [7]
17Stefan Weigert [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)