
Hannu Flinck

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4 Hannu Flinck, Claus G. Gruber, Marco Hoffmann, Andreas Kirstädter, Christian Merkle, Thomas Michaelis, Dominic A. Schupke: Packet Transport for the Future Internet (Paketorientierter Transport für das zukünftige Internet). it - Information Technology 50(6): 351-357 (2008)
3EEHannu Flinck, Juha Saarnio, Angela Scheller: The Integrated Multimedia Project. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 1068-1071
2 Bengt-Erik Johansson, Mikael Andréasson, Hannu Flinck, Matti Kalervo, Osmo Vuorenmaa, Petra Hoepner, Raymond DaSilva: Divide Your Systems to Conquer the Market. ECMAST 1997: 37-50
1 Pertti Raatikainen, Juha Zidbeck, Hannu Flinck: Frame Synchronized Ring: a Bus Concept for High Speed Processing Applications. Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 177-188

Coauthor Index

1Mikael Andréasson [2]
2Raymond DaSilva [2]
3Claus G. Gruber [4]
4Petra Hoepner [2]
5Marco Hoffmann [4]
6Bengt-Erik Johansson [2]
7Matti Kalervo [2]
8Andreas Kirstädter [4]
9Christian Merkle [4]
10Thomas Michaelis [4]
11Pertti Raatikainen [1]
12Juha Saarnio [3]
13Angela Scheller [3]
14Dominic A. Schupke [4]
15Osmo Vuorenmaa [2]
16Juha Zidbeck [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)