
William Schuler

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16EELane Schwartz, Luan Nguyen, Andrew Exley, William Schuler: Positive effects of redundant descriptions in an interactive semantic speech interface. IUI 2009: 217-226
15EEStephen Wu, Lane Schwartz, William Schuler: Exploiting referential context in spoken language interfaces for data-poor domains. IUI 2008: 285-292
14EETim Miller, Andrew Exley, William Schuler: Elements of a spoken language programming interface for robots. HRI 2007: 231-237
13EEShana Watters, Tim Miller, Praveen Balachandran, William Schuler, Richard M. Voyles: Exploiting a sensed environment to improve human-agent communication. AAMAS 2005: 44-50
12EEWilliam Schuler: Using Model-Theoretic Semantic Interpretation to Guide Statistical Parsing and Word Recognition in a Spoken Language Interface. ACL 2003: 529-536
11EEJan M. Allbeck, Karin Kipper, Charles Adams, William Schuler, Elena Zoubanova, Norman I. Badler, Martha Stone Palmer, Aravind K. Joshi: ACUMEN: amplifying control and understanding of multiple entities. AAMAS 2002: 191-198
10EEWilliam Schuler: Interleaved Semantic Interpretation in Environment-based Parsing. COLING 2002
9EEWilliam Schuler: Interleaved semantic interpretation in environment-based parsing CoRR cs.CL/0206026: (2002)
8EEWilliam Schuler: Computational Properties of Environment-based Disambiguation. ACL 2001: 466-473
7EEWilliam Schuler: Computational properties of environment-based disambiguation CoRR cs.CL/0106011: (2001)
6EEWilliam Schuler, David Chiang, Mark Dras: Multi-Component TAG and Notions of Formal Power. ACL 2000
5EELiwei Zhao, Karin Kipper, William Schuler, Christian Vogler, Norman I. Badler, Martha Stone Palmer: A Machine Translation System from English to American Sign Language. AMTA 2000: 54-67
4EERama Bindiganavale, William Schuler, Jan M. Allbeck, Norman I. Badler, Aravind K. Joshi, Martha Stone Palmer: Dynamically altering agent behaviors using natural language instructions. Agents 2000: 293-300
3EEWilliam Schuler: Preserving Semantic Dependencies in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar. ACL 1999
2 Giorgio Satta, William Schuler: Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages. COLING-ACL 1998: 1176-1182
1EEGiorgio Satta, William Schuler: Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages CoRR cs.CL/9810015: (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Charles Adams [11]
2Jan M. Allbeck [4] [11]
3Norman I. Badler [4] [5] [11]
4Praveen Balachandran [13]
5Rama Bindiganavale [4]
6David Chiang [6]
7Mark Dras [6]
8Andrew Exley [14] [16]
9Aravind K. Joshi [4] [11]
10Karin Kipper [5] [11]
11Tim Miller [13] [14]
12Luan Nguyen [16]
13Martha Palmer (Martha Stone Palmer) [4] [5] [11]
14Giorgio Satta [1] [2]
15Lane Schwartz [15] [16]
16Christian Vogler [5]
17Richard M. Voyles [13]
18Shana Watters [13]
19Stephen Wu [15]
20Liwei Zhao [5]
21Elena Zoubanova [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)