
Geert Jan Schrijen

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11EESandeep S. Kumar, Jorge Guajardo, R. Maes, Geert Jan Schrijen, Pim Tuyls: The Butterfly PUF: Protecting IP on every FPGA. HOST 2008: 67-70
10EEJorge Guajardo, Sandeep S. Kumar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Pim Tuyls: Brand and IP protection with physical unclonable functions. ISCAS 2008: 3186-3189
9EEJorge Guajardo, Sandeep S. Kumar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Pim Tuyls: FPGA Intrinsic PUFs and Their Use for IP Protection. CHES 2007: 63-80
8EENeil Bird, Claudine Conrado, Jorge Guajardo, Stefan Maubach, Geert Jan Schrijen, Boris Skoric, Anton M. H. Tombeur, Peter Thueringer, Pim Tuyls: ALGSICS - Combining Physics and Cryptography to Enhance Security and Privacy in RFID Systems. ESAS 2007: 187-202
7EEJorge Guajardo, Sandeep Kumar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Pim Tuyls: Physical Unclonable Functions, FPGAs and Public-Key Crypto for IP Protection. FPL 2007: 189-195
6EEPim Tuyls, Geert Jan Schrijen, Boris Skoric, Jan van Geloven, Nynke Verhaegh, Rob Wolters: Read-Proof Hardware from Protective Coatings. CHES 2006: 369-383
5EEMarten van Dijk, Tom A. M. Kevenaar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Pim Tuyls: Improved constructions of secret sharing schemes by applying (lambda, omega)-decompositions. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(4): 154-157 (2006)
4EEPim Tuyls, Anton H. M. Akkermans, Tom A. M. Kevenaar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Asker M. Bazen, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis: Practical Biometric Authentication with Template Protection. AVBPA 2005: 436-446
3EETom A. M. Kevenaar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Michiel van der Veen, Anton H. M. Akkermans, Fei Zuo: Face Recognition with Renewable and Privacy Preserving Binary Templates. AutoID 2005: 21-26
2EEClaudine Conrado, Frank Kamperman, Geert Jan Schrijen, Willem Jonker: Privacy in an Identity-based DRM System. DEXA Workshops 2003: 389-395
1EEPim Tuyls, Tom A. M. Kevenaar, Geert Jan Schrijen, Toine Staring, Marten van Dijk: Visual Crypto Displays Enabling Secure Communications. SPC 2003: 271-284

Coauthor Index

1Anton H. M. Akkermans [3] [4]
2Asker M. Bazen [4]
3Neil Bird [8]
4Claudine Conrado [2] [8]
5Marten van Dijk [1] [5]
6Jan van Geloven [6]
7Jorge Guajardo [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
8Willem Jonker [2]
9Frank Kamperman [2]
10Tom A. M. Kevenaar [1] [3] [4] [5]
11Sandeep Kumar [7]
12Sandeep S. Kumar [9] [10] [11]
13R. Maes [11]
14Stefan Maubach [8]
15Boris Skoric [6] [8]
16Toine Staring [1]
17Peter Thueringer [8]
18Anton M. H. Tombeur [8]
19Pim Tuyls [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
20Michiel van der Veen [3]
21Raymond N. J. Veldhuis [4]
22Nynke Verhaegh [6]
23Rob Wolters [6]
24Fei Zuo [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)