
Michel Schmitt

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7 Julien Sénégas, Michel Schmitt, Philippe Nonin: Monte Carlo Methods in Stereovision. JCIS 2002: 885-889
6EEFilipe Aires, Michel Schmitt, Alain Chedin, Noelle Scott: The "weight smoothing" regularization of MLP for Jacobian stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(6): 1502-1510 (1999)
5EEMichel Schmitt: Response to the Comment on "Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation". IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(7): 764-766 (1998)
4EELaurent Najman, Michel Schmitt: Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(12): 1163-1173 (1996)
3EEMichel Schmitt, Juliette Mattioli: Strong and weak convex hulls in non-Euclidean metric: theory and application. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(9): 943-947 (1994)
2 Luc Robert, Régis Vaillant, Michel Schmitt: 3D-vision-based robot navigation: first steps. ECCV 1990: 236-240
1 Michel Schmitt: Some examples of algorithm analysis in computational geometry by means of mathematical morphological techniques. Geometry and Robotics 1988: 225-246

Coauthor Index

1Filipe Aires [6]
2Alain Chedin [6]
3Juliette Mattioli [3]
4Laurent Najman [4]
5Philippe Nonin [7]
6Luc Robert [2]
7Noelle Scott [6]
8Julien Sénégas [7]
9Régis Vaillant [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)