
Christian Igel

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45EEThomas Voß, Nikolaus Hansen, Christian Igel: Recombination for Learning Strategy Parameters in the MO-CMA-ES. EMO 2009: 155-168
44EEVerena Heidrich-Meisner, Christian Igel: Similarities and differences between policy gradient methods and evolution strategies. ESANN 2008: 149-154
43EEThorsten Suttorp, Christian Igel: Approximation of Gaussian process regression models after training. ESANN 2008: 427-432
42EEVerena Heidrich-Meisner, Christian Igel: Variable Metric Reinforcement Learning Methods Applied to the Noisy Mountain Car Problem. EWRL 2008: 136-150
41EEThomas Voß, Nicola Beume, Günter Rudolph, Christian Igel: Scalarization versus indicator-based selection in multi-objective CMA evolution strategies. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 3036-3043
40EETobias Glasmachers, Christian Igel: Uncertainty Handling in Model Selection for Support Vector Machines. PPSN 2008: 185-194
39EEVerena Heidrich-Meisner, Christian Igel: Evolution Strategies for Direct Policy Search. PPSN 2008: 428-437
38EESusanne Winter, Bernhard Brendel, Ioannis Pechlivanis, Kirsten Schmieder, Christian Igel: Registration of CT and Intraoperative 3-D Ultrasound Images of the Spine Using Evolutionary and Gradient-Based Methods. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(3): 284-296 (2008)
37EETobias Glasmachers, Christian Igel: Second-Order SMO Improves SVM Online and Active Learning. Neural Computation 20(2): 374-382 (2008)
36EEVerena Heidrich-Meisner, Martin Lauer, Christian Igel, Martin A. Riedmiller: Reinforcement learning in a nutshell. ESANN 2007: 277-288
35EEJan Salmen, Thorsten Suttorp, Johann Edelbrunner, Christian Igel: Evolutionary Optimization ofWavelet Feature Sets for Real-Time Pedestrian Classification. HIS 2007: 222-227
34EEThorsten Suttorp, Christian Igel: Resilient Approximation of Kernel Classifiers. ICANN (1) 2007: 139-148
33EEChristian Igel, Nikolaus Hansen, Stefan Roth: Covariance Matrix Adaptation for Multi-objective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation 15(1): 1-28 (2007)
32EEJens Niehaus, Christian Igel, Wolfgang Banzhaf: Reducing the Number of Fitness Evaluations in Graph Genetic Programming Using a Canonical Graph Indexed Database. Evolutionary Computation 15(2): 199-221 (2007)
31EEChristian Igel, Tobias Glasmachers, Britta Mersch, Nico Pfeifer, Peter Meinicke: Gradient-Based Optimization of Kernel-Target Alignment for Sequence Kernels Applied to Bacterial Gene Start Detection. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 4(2): 216-226 (2007)
30EEBritta Mersch, Tobias Glasmachers, Peter Meinicke, Christian Igel: Evolutionary Optimization of Sequence Kernels for Detection of bacterial gene Starts. Int. J. Neural Syst. 17(5): 369-381 (2007)
29EEChristian Igel, Thorsten Suttorp, Nikolaus Hansen: Steady-State Selection and Efficient Covariance Matrix Update in the Multi-objective CMA-ES. EMO 2006: 171-185
28EEChristian Igel, Thorsten Suttorp, Nikolaus Hansen: A computational efficient covariance matrix update and a (1+1)-CMA for evolution strategies. GECCO 2006: 453-460
27EEBritta Mersch, Tobias Glasmachers, Peter Meinicke, Christian Igel: Evolutionary Optimization of Sequence Kernels for Detection of Bacterial Gene Starts. ICANN (2) 2006: 827-836
26EEThorsten Suttorp, Christian Igel: Multi-Objective Optimization of Support Vector Machines. Multi-Objective Machine Learning 2006: 199-220
25EEStefan Roth, Alexander Gepperth, Christian Igel: Multi-Objective Neural Network Optimization for Visual Object Detection. Multi-Objective Machine Learning 2006: 629-655
24EETobias Glasmachers, Christian Igel: Maximum-Gain Working Set Selection for SVMs. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 1437-1466 (2006)
23EESusanne Winter, Bernhard Brendel, Christian Igel: Registrierung von Knochen in 3D-Ultraschall- und CT-Daten: Vergleich verschiedener Optimierungsverfahren. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005: 345-349
22EEChristian Igel: Multi-objective Model Selection for Support Vector Machines. EMO 2005: 534-546
21EEChristian Igel, Bernhard Sendhoff: Synergies between Evolutionary and Neural Computation. ESANN 2005: 241-252
20EEAntonio Pellecchia, Christian Igel, Johann Edelbrunner, Gregor Schöner: Making Driver Modeling Attractive. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(2): 8-12 (2005)
19EETobias Glasmachers, Christian Igel: Gradient-Based Adaptation of General Gaussian Kernels. Neural Computation 17(10): 2099-2105 (2005)
18EEFrauke Friedrichs, Christian Igel: Evolutionary tuning of multiple SVM parameters. Neurocomputing 64: 107-117 (2005)
17EEStefan Wiegand, Christian Igel, Uwe Handmann: Evolutionary Optimization of Neural Networks for Face Detection. ESANN 2004: 139-144
16EEFrauke Friedrichs, Christian Igel: Evolutionary tuning of multiple SVM parameters. ESANN 2004: 519-524
15EEStefan Schneider, Christian Igel, Christian Klaes, Hubert R. Dinse, Jan C. Wiemer: Evolutionary Adaptation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Computational Neuroscience. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 5(2): 215-227 (2004)
14EEChristian Igel, Karl-Heinz Temme: The chaining syllogism in fuzzy logic. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 12(6): 849-853 (2004)
13EEStefan Wiegand, Christian Igel, Uwe Handmann: Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation Of Neural Networks For Face Detection. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 4(3): 237-254 (2004)
12EEChristian Igel, Marc Toussaint: Recent Results on No-Free-Lunch Theorems for Optimization CoRR cs.NE/0303032: (2003)
11EEChristian Igel, Marc Toussaint: On classes of functions for which No Free Lunch results hold. Inf. Process. Lett. 86(6): 317-321 (2003)
10EEChristian Igel, Marc Toussaint: Neutrality and self-adaptation. Natural Computing 2(2): 117-132 (2003)
9EEChristian Igel, Michael Hüsken: Empirical evaluation of the improved Rprop learning algorithms. Neurocomputing 50: 105-123 (2003)
8EEChristian Igel, Martin Kreutz: Operator adaptation in evolutionary computation and its application to structure optimization of neural networks. Neurocomputing 55(1-2): 347-361 (2003)
7 Michael Hüsken, Christian Igel: Balancing Learning And Evolution. GECCO 2002: 391-398
6EEMarc Toussaint, Christian Igel: Neutrality: A Necessity for Self-Adaptation CoRR nlin.AO/0204038: (2002)
5 Christian Igel, Peter Stagge: Effects of phenotypic redundancy in structure optimization. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 6(1): 74-85 (2002)
4EEChristian Igel, Werner von Seelen, Wolfram Erlhagen, Dirk Jancke: Evolving field models for inhibition effects in early vision. Neurocomputing 44-46: 467-472 (2002)
3EEChristian Igel, Marc Toussaint: On Classes of Functions for which No Free Lunch Results Hold CoRR cs.NE/0108011: (2001)
2EEChristian Igel, Wolfram Erlhagen, Dirk Jancke: Optimization of dynamic neural fields. Neurocomputing 36(1-4): 225-233 (2001)
1 Christian Igel, Karl-Heinz Temme: Chaining Syllogism Applied to Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules and Rule Bases. Fuzzy Days 1997: 179-188

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Banzhaf [32]
2Nicola Beume [41]
3Bernhard Brendel [23] [38]
4Hubert R. Dinse [15]
5Johann Edelbrunner [20] [35]
6Wolfram Erlhagen [2] [4]
7Frauke Friedrichs [16] [18]
8Alexander Gepperth [25]
9Tobias Glasmachers [19] [24] [27] [30] [31] [37] [40]
10Uwe Handmann [13] [17]
11Nikolaus Hansen [28] [29] [33] [45]
12Verena Heidrich-Meisner [36] [39] [42] [44]
13Michael Hüsken [7] [9]
14Dirk Jancke [2] [4]
15Christian Klaes [15]
16Martin Kreutz [8]
17Martin Lauer [36]
18Peter Meinicke [27] [30] [31]
19Britta Mersch [27] [30] [31]
20Jens Niehaus [32]
21Ioannis Pechlivanis [38]
22Antonio Pellecchia [20]
23Nico Pfeifer [31]
24Martin A. Riedmiller (Martin Riedmiller) [36]
25Stefan Roth [25] [33]
26Günter Rudolph [41]
27Jan Salmen [35]
28Kirsten Schmieder [38]
29Stefan Schneider [15]
30Gregor Schöner [20]
31Werner von Seelen [4]
32Bernhard Sendhoff [21]
33Peter Stagge [5]
34Thorsten Suttorp [26] [28] [29] [34] [35] [43]
35Karl-Heinz Temme [1] [14]
36Marc Toussaint [3] [6] [10] [11] [12]
37Thomas Voß [41] [45]
38Stefan Wiegand [13] [17]
39Jan C. Wiemer [15]
40Susanne Winter [23] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)