
Ute Schmid

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17EEMartin Hofmann, Emanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid: Analysis and Evaluation of Inductive Programming Systems in a Higher-Order Framework. KI 2008: 78-86
16EEMartin Hofmann, Andreas Hirschberger, Emanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid: Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Functional Programs. KI 2007: 468-472
15EEEmanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid: Inducing Constructor Systems from Example-Terms by Detecting Syntactical Regularities. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(1): 49-63 (2007)
14EEStephan Weller, Ute Schmid: Solving Proportional Analogies by E -Generalization. KI 2006: 64-75
13EEEmanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid: Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs: An Explanation Based Generalization Approach. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 429-454 (2006)
12EEHelmar Gust, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Ute Schmid: Metaphors and heuristic-driven theory projection (HDTP). Theor. Comput. Sci. 354(1): 98-117 (2006)
11EEHelmar Gust, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Ute Schmid: Ontological Aspects of Computing Analogies. ICCM 2004: 350-351
10 Ute Schmid: Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs, Universal Planning, Folding of Finite Programs, and Schema Abstraction by Analogical Reasoning Springer 2003
9EEUte Schmid: Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs. KI 17(3): 75- (2003)
8EEEmanuel Kitzelmann, Ute Schmid, Martin Mühlpfordt, Fritz Wysotzki: Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs. AISC 2002: 26-37
7EEUte Schmid, Marina Müller, Fritz Wysotzki: Integrating Function Application in State-Based Planning. KI 2002: 144-162
6EEUte Schmid: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft e.V. Kognitionswissenschaft 9(4): 197 (2002)
5 Ute Schmid, Fritz Wysotzki: Applying Inductive Program Synthesis to Macro Learning. AIPS 2000: 371-378
4EESylvia Wiebrock, Lars Wittenburg, Ute Schmid, Fritz Wysotzki: Inference and Visualization of Spatial Relations. Spatial Cognition 2000: 212-224
3 Ute Schmid, Fritz Wysotzki: Induction of Recursive Program Schemes. ECML 1998: 214-225
2EEBerry Claus, Klaus Eyferth, Carsten Gips, Robin Hörnig, Ute Schmid, Sylvia Wiebrock, Fritz Wysotzki: Reference Frames for Spatial Inference in Text Understanding. Spatial Cognition 1998: 241-266
1EEUte Schmid: Programmieren durch analoges Schließen . Kognitionswissenschaft 6(3): 127-134 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Berry Claus [2]
2Klaus Eyferth [2]
3Carsten Gips [2]
4Helmar Gust [11] [12]
5Andreas Hirschberger [16]
6Martin Hofmann [16] [17]
7Robin Hörnig [2]
8Emanuel Kitzelmann [8] [13] [15] [16] [17]
9Kai-Uwe Kühnberger [11] [12]
10Martin Mühlpfordt [8]
11Marina Müller [7]
12Stephan Weller [14]
13Sylvia Wiebrock [2] [4]
14Lars Wittenburg [4]
15Fritz Wysotzki [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)