
Basile Schaeli

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9EEBasile Schaeli, Roger D. Hersch: Dynamic testing of flow graph based parallel applications. PADTAD 2008: 2
8EEBasile Schaeli, Ali Al-Shabibi, Roger D. Hersch: Visual Debugging of MPI Applications. PVM/MPI 2008: 239-247
7EEBasile Schaeli, Sebastian Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch: A simulator for adaptive parallel applications. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(6): 983-999 (2008)
6EEBasile Schaeli, Sebastian Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch: Decomposing Partial Order Execution Graphs to Improve Message Race Detection. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
5EEAli Al-Shabibi, Sebastian Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch, Basile Schaeli: A debugger for flow graph based parallel applications. PADTAD 2007: 14-20
4EEBasile Schaeli, B. Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch: A simulator for parallel applications with dynamically varying compute node allocation. IPDPS 2006
3EESebastian Gerlach, Basile Schaeli, Roger D. Hersch: Fault-Tolerant Parallel Applications with Dynamic Parallel Schedules: A Programmer's Perspective. Research Results of the DICS Program 2006: 195-210
2EEFabrice Armougom, Sébastien Moretti, Olivier Poirot, Stéphane Audic, Pierre Dumas, Basile Schaeli, Vladimir Keduas, Cédric Notredame: Expresso: automatic incorporation of structural information in multiple sequence alignments using 3D-Coffee. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 604-608 (2006)
1EERalf Gruber, Vincent Keller, Pierre Kuonen, Marie-Christine Sawley, Basile Schaeli, Ali Tolou, Marc Torruella, Trach-Minh Tran: Towards an Intelligent Grid Scheduling System. PPAM 2005: 751-757

Coauthor Index

1Ali Al-Shabibi [5] [8]
2Fabrice Armougom [2]
3Stéphane Audic [2]
4Pierre Dumas [2]
5B. Gerlach [4]
6Sebastian Gerlach [3] [5] [6] [7]
7Ralf Gruber [1]
8Roger D. Hersch [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
9Vladimir Keduas [2]
10Vincent Keller [1]
11Pierre Kuonen [1]
12Sébastien Moretti [2]
13Cédric Notredame [2]
14Olivier Poirot [2]
15Marie-Christine Sawley [1]
16Ali Tolou [1]
17Marc Torruella [1]
18Trach-Minh Tran [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)