
Robert Schaefer

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31EERobert Schaefer: Software maturity: design as dark art. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 34(1): 1-36 (2009)
30EEMaciej Paszynski, Robert Schaefer: Reutilization of Partial LU Factorizations for Self-adaptive hpFinite Element Method Solver. ICCS (1) 2008: 965-974
29EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Robert Schaefer, Bojin Zheng, Maciej Paszynski, Bartlomiej Sniezynski: Intelligent Agents and Evolvable Systems. ICCS (3) 2008: 533-534
28EERobert Schaefer, Barbara Barabasz: Asymptotic Behavior of hp-HGS (hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method Coupled with the Hierarchic Genetic Strategy) by Solving Inverse Problems. ICCS (3) 2008: 682-691
27EEAndrzej Bielecki, Pawel Hajto, Robert Schaefer: Hybrid Neural Systems in Exchange Rate Prediction. Natural Computing in Computational Finance 2008: 211-230
26EERobert Schaefer: A systems analysis of systems integration. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 11(1): (2008)
25EERobert Schaefer: Debugging debugged, a metaphysical manifesto of systems integration. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 33(3): (2008)
24EEMaciej Paszynski, Barbara Barabasz, Robert Schaefer: Efficient Adaptive Strategy for Solving Inverse Problems. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 342-349
23EERobert Schaefer: The Grand Theory of Everything: what man-made systems are, and why they fail. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32(4): (2007)
22EEPiotr Uhruski, Wojciech Toporkiewicz, Robert Schaefer, Marek Grochowski: The Autonomous Concurrent Strategy for Large Scale CAE Computation. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 783-790
21EEMaciej Smolka, Robert Schaefer: Computing MAS Dynamics Considering the Background Load. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 799-806
20EERobert Schaefer: A rational theory of system-making systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(2): 1-20 (2006)
19EERobert Schaefer: Review of "Hiring The Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds by Johanna Rothman", Dorset House, 2004, 0-932633-59-5. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(2): 34 (2006)
18EERobert Schaefer: Review of "Mobile Wireless Communications by Mischa Schwarz", Cambridge University Press, 2005, 0-521-84347-2. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(2): 34 (2006)
17EERobert Schaefer: A critical programmer searches for professionalism. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(4): 1-17 (2006)
16EERobert Schaefer: Review of "Design For Trustworthy Software by Bijay K. Jayaswal and Peter C. Patton", Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN 0-13-187250-8. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(6): 58-59 (2006)
15EERobert Schaefer: Review of "Catastrophe Disentanglement by E. M. Bennatan", Addison Wesley, 2006, ISBN 0-321-336620. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(6): 59-60 (2006)
14EEMarek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer, Maciej Smolka: Architectural Principles and Scheduling Strategies for Computing Agent Systems. Fundam. Inform. 71(1): 15-26 (2006)
13EEMariusz Flasinski, Edward Nawarecki, Lech Polkowski, Robert Schaefer, Jerzy Stefanowski, Zbigniew Suraj: Preface. Fundam. Inform. 71(1): (2006)
12EEMaciej Smolka, Piotr Uhruski, Robert Schaefer, Marek Grochowski: The Dynamics of Computing Agent Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 727-734
11EERobert Schaefer: Systems of systems and coordinated atomic actions. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(1): 6 (2005)
10EERobert Schaefer: Deeper questions: the metaproblem of large organizations developing complex systems and the limits of process. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
9EERobert Schaefer: The risks of large organizations in developing complex systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(5): 1-3 (2005)
8EEJ. Momot, K. Kosacki, Marek Grochowski, Piotr Uhruski, Robert Schaefer: Multi-Agent System for Irregular Parallel Genetic Computations. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 623-630
7EEMarek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer, Piotr Uhruski: Diffusion Based Scheduling in the Agent-Oriented Computing System. PPAM 2003: 97-104
6EEPiotr Uhruski, Marek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer: Multi-Agent Computing System in a Heterogeneous Network. PARELEC 2002: 233-238
5EEMarek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer, Wojciech Toporkiewicz, Piotr Uhruski: An Agent-Based Approach To a Hard Computing System - Smart Solid. PARELEC 2002: 253-
4EERobert Schaefer, Zenon J. Jablonski: On the Convergence of Sampling Measures in the Global Genetic Search. PPAM 2001: 608-616
3EEMariusz Flasinski, Robert Schaefer, Wojciech Toporkiewicz: Optimal Stochastic Scaling for CAE Parallel Computations. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 1998: 557-564
2 Grzegorz Mysliwiec, Jakub Sipowicz, Robert Schaefer: Control Activities in Message Passing Environment. PVM/MPI 1997: 143-150
1 Zdzislaw Onderka, Robert Schaefer: Markov Chain Based Management of Large Scale Distributed Computations of Earthen Dam Leakages. VECPAR 1996: 49-64

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Barabasz [24] [28]
2Andrzej Bielecki [27]
3Krzysztof Cetnarowicz [29]
4Mariusz Flasinski [3] [13]
5Marek Grochowski [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [14] [22]
6Pawel Hajto [27]
7Zenon J. Jablonski [4]
8K. Kosacki [8]
9J. Momot [8]
10Grzegorz Mysliwiec [2]
11Edward Nawarecki [13]
12Zdzislaw Onderka [1]
13Maciej Paszynski [24] [29] [30]
14Lech Polkowski [13]
15Jakub Sipowicz [2]
16Maciej Smolka [12] [14] [21]
17Bartlomiej Sniezynski [29]
18Jerzy Stefanowski [13]
19Zbigniew Suraj [13]
20Wojciech Toporkiewicz [3] [5] [22]
21Piotr Uhruski [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [22]
22Bojin Zheng [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)