
Krzysztof Cetnarowicz

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21EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Robert Schaefer, Bojin Zheng, Maciej Paszynski, Bartlomiej Sniezynski: Intelligent Agents and Evolvable Systems. ICCS (3) 2008: 533-534
20EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Renata Cieciwa, Gabriel Rojek: Social Layers in Agents' Behavior Evaluation System. ICCS (3) 2008: 594-603
19EERafal Drezewski, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: Sexual Selection Mechanism for Agent-Based Evolutionary Computation. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 920-927
18EEWojciech Turek, Robert Marcjan, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: Agent-Based Mobile Robots Navigation Framework. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 775-782
17EEGabriel Rojek, Renata Cieciwa, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: Heterogeneous Behavior Evaluations in Ethically-Social Approach to Security in Multi-agent System. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 823-830
16EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Gabriel Rojek, Rafal Pokrywka: Intelligent Agents as Cells of Immunological Memory. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 855-862
15EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Renata Cieciwa, Gabriel Rojek: Behavior Evaluation with Actions' Sampling in Multi-agent System. CEEMAS 2005: 490-499
14 Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Renata Cieciwa, Edward Nawarecki, Gabriel Rojek: Unfavorable Behavior Detection in RealWorld Systems Using the Multiagent System. Intelligent Information Systems 2005: 416-420
13EEGabriel Rojek, Renata Cieciwa, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: Algorithm of Behavior Evaluation in Multi-agent System. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 711-718
12EEStanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: On the Concept of Agent in Multi-robot Environment. WRAC 2005: 135-146
11 Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Gabriel Rojek: Ethically-Social Approach to Computer Security Problem. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 24(4): (2005)
10EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Gabriel Rojek: Behavior Based Detection of Unfavorable Resources. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 607-614
9EEArtur Maj, Jaroslaw Jurowicz, Jaroslaw Kozlak, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: A Multi-agent System for Dynamic Network Reconfiguration. CEEMAS 2003: 511-521
8EEPablo Gruer, Vincent Hilaire, Abder Koukam, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: A formal framework for multi-agent systems analysis and design. Expert Syst. Appl. 23(4): 349-355 (2002)
7EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Pablo Gruer, Vincent Hilaire, Abder Koukam: A Formal Specification of M-Agent Architecture. CEEMAS 2001: 62-72
6EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Jaroslaw Kozlak: Multi-agent System for Flexible Manufacturing Systems Management. CEEMAS 2001: 73-82
5 Pablo Gruer, Vincent Hilaire, Abder Koukam, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: A Formal Framework for Multi-Agent Systems Analysis and Design. SEKE 2001: 276-282
4 Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Jaroslaw Kozlak, Tomasz Nowak, Wojciech Penczek: Modeling Agent Organizations. Intelligent Information Systems 2000: 135-144
3 Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz: Operational Agent: A Concept of Middle Agent Architecture. CEEMAS 1999
2EEKrzysztof Cetnarowicz, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Edward Nawarecki: Functional Integrity of MAS through the Dynamics of the Agents' Population. ICMAS 1998: 405-406
1 Edward Nawarecki, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Maciej Zygmunt: Model of Communication between Active Agents in the Distributed Environment. Applied Informatics 1994: 132-134

Coauthor Index

1Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz [3] [4] [12]
2Renata Cieciwa [13] [14] [15] [17] [20]
3Grzegorz Dobrowolski [2]
4Rafal Drezewski [19]
5Pablo Gruer [5] [7] [8]
6Vincent Hilaire [5] [7] [8]
7Jaroslaw Jurowicz [9]
8Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki [2]
9Abder Koukam (Abderrafiaa Koukam) [5] [7] [8]
10Jaroslaw Kozlak [4] [6] [9]
11Artur Maj [9]
12Robert Marcjan [18]
13Edward Nawarecki [1] [2] [14]
14Tomasz Nowak [4]
15Maciej Paszynski [21]
16Wojciech Penczek [4]
17Rafal Pokrywka [16]
18Gabriel Rojek [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20]
19Robert Schaefer [21]
20Bartlomiej Sniezynski [21]
21Wojciech Turek [18]
22Bojin Zheng [21]
23Maciej Zygmunt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)