
André Berger

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7EEAndré Berger, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Fabrizio Grandoni, Guido Schäfer: Budgeted Matching and Budgeted Matroid Intersection Via the Gasoline Puzzle. IPCO 2008: 273-287
6EEAndré Berger, Ojas Parekh: Linear Time Algorithms for Generalized Edge Dominating Set Problems. Algorithmica 50(2): 244-254 (2008)
5EEAndré Berger, Michelangelo Grigni: Minimum Weight 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Planar Graphs. ICALP 2007: 90-101
4EEAndré Berger, Takuro Fukunaga, Hiroshi Nagamochi, Ojas Parekh: Approximability of the capacitated b-edge dominating set problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 385(1-3): 202-213 (2007)
3EEAndré Berger, Nader Razouk, Greg Angelides: Distance- and curvature-constrained shortest paths and an application in mission planning. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 766-767
2EEAndré Berger, Artur Czumaj, Michelangelo Grigni, Hairong Zhao: Approximation Schemes for Minimum 2-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Weighted Planar Graphs. ESA 2005: 472-483
1EEAndré Berger, Ojas Parekh: Linear Time Algorithms for Generalized Edge Dominating Set Problems. WADS 2005: 233-243

Coauthor Index

1Greg Angelides [3]
2Vincenzo Bonifaci [7]
3Artur Czumaj [2]
4Takuro Fukunaga [4]
5Fabrizio Grandoni [7]
6Michelangelo Grigni [2] [5]
7Hiroshi Nagamochi [4]
8Ojas Parekh [1] [4] [6]
9Nader Razouk [3]
10Guido Schäfer [7]
11Hairong Zhao [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)