
Nurul I. Sarkar

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6EENurul I. Sarkar, Trevor M. Craig: A low-cost PIC unit for teaching computer hardware fundamentals to undergraduates. SIGCSE Bulletin 39(2): 88-91 (2007)
5EENurul I. Sarkar, Krassie Petrova: WebLan-Designer: a Web-based system for interactive teaching and learning LAN design. ITRE 2005: 328-332
4 Nurul I. Sarkar: WLAN-Designer: A Web-based Software Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Wireless LAN Design. ICALT 2004
3EENurul I. Sarkar, Trevor M. Craig: Illustrating computer hardware concepts using PIC-based projects. SIGCSE 2004: 270-274
2EENurul I. Sarkar, Jason H. Lian: LAN-Designer: A Software Tool for Teaching and Learning LAN Design. ICALT 2003: 260-261
1EENurul I. Sarkar, Krzysztof Pawlikowski: A Delay-throughput Performance Improvement to the pi-Persistent Protocol. ISCC 2001: 615-620

Coauthor Index

1Trevor M. Craig [3] [6]
2Jason H. Lian [2]
3Krzysztof Pawlikowski [1]
4Krassie Petrova [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)