
Piotr Sapiecha

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8EEJakub Botwicz, Piotr Buciak, Piotr Sapiecha: Building Dependable Intrusion Prevention Systems. DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2006: 135-142
7EEHenry Selvaraj, Piotr Sapiecha, Mariusz Rawski, Tadeusz Luba: Functional Decomposition - the Value and Implication for Both Neural Networks and Digital Designing. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 6(1): 123-138 (2006)
6EEPiotr Kulaga, Piotr Sapiecha, Krzysztof Sep: Approximation Algorithm for the Argument Reduction Problem. CORES 2005: 243-248
5 Piotr Sapiecha, Henry Selvaraj, Jaroslaw Stanczak, Krzysztof Sep, Tadeusz Luba: A Hybrid Approach to a Classification Problem. Intelligent Information Systems 2004: 99-106
4EEMichal Pleban, Hubert Niewiadomski, Piotr Buciak, Henry Selvaraj, Piotr Sapiecha, Tadeusz Luba: NOAH, a tool for argument reduction, serial and parallel decomposition of decision tables. DSD 2003: 248-254
3 Henry Selvaraj, Piotr Sapiecha, Tadeusz Luba: Functional Decomposition and Its Applications in Machine Learning and Neural Networks. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 1(3): 259-271 (2001)
2EEPiotr Sapiecha, Henry Selvaraj, Michal Pleban: Decomposition of Boolean Relations and Functions in Logic Synthesis and Data Analysis. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 487-494
1 Piotr Sapiecha: A Novel Approach to the Minimal Cover Problem. RSKD 1993: 237-241

Coauthor Index

1Jakub Botwicz [8]
2Piotr Buciak [4] [8]
3Piotr Kulaga [6]
4Tadeusz Luba [3] [4] [5] [7]
5Hubert Niewiadomski [4]
6Michal Pleban [2] [4]
7Mariusz Rawski [7]
8Henry Selvaraj [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
9Krzysztof Sep [5] [6]
10Jaroslaw Stanczak [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)