
Tony Salvador

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13 Tony Salvador: Saturday Opening Speech: From ICTs for Development to ICTs for Exchange: Opportunities & Sustainability in Global Markets. IWIPS 2007: 5-
12EEWendy March, Margot Jacobs, Tony Salvador: Designing technology for community appropriation. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 2126-2127
11EETony Salvador, Steve Barile, John Sherry: Ubiquitous computing design principles: supporting human-human and human-computer transactions. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1497-1500
10EEJohn Sherry, Scott D. Mainwaring, Jenna Burrell, Richard Beckwith, Tony Salvador: 'This All Together, Hon?' Ubicomp in Non-office Work Environments. Ubicomp 2004: 179-195
9 Tony Salvador, John W. Sherry, Alvaro E. Urrutia: Less Cyber, More Café: Design Implications for Easing the Digital Divide with Locally Social Cyber Cafes. Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization 2003: 323-337
8EETony Salvador, Ken Anderson: Practical Considerations of Context for Context Based Systems: An Example from an Ethnographic Case Study of a Man Diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Ubicomp 2003: 243-255
7EESteve Sato, Tony Salvador: Methods & tools: Playacting and focus troupes: : theater techniques for creating quick, intense, immersive, and engaging focus group sessions. Interactions 6(5): 35-41 (1999)
6EETony Salvador: Business: changing how people work: the time-to-end-user value. Interactions 5(3): 9-12 (1998)
5 Jean Scholtz, Tony Salvador, Pete Lockhart, James Newbery: Design: No Job too Small. CHI 1997: 447-454
4EETony Salvador, Michael Mateas: Introduction to Design Ethnography. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 166-167
3EETony Salvador, Daniel Boyarski, Paul Dourish, Jim Faris, Wendy A. Kellogg, Terry Winograd: Design v. Computing: Debating the Future of Human-Computer Interaction (Panel). CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 99-100
2 Tony Salvador, Sara A. Bly: Supporting the Flow of Information Through Constellations of Interaction. ECSCW 1997: 269-
1 Tony Salvador, Jean Scholtz: Systematic creativity: a methodology for integrating user, market and engineering requirements for product definition, design and usability testing. EHCI 1995: 307-329

Coauthor Index

1Ken Anderson [8]
2Steve Barile [11]
3Richard Beckwith [10]
4Sara A. Bly [2]
5Daniel Boyarski [3]
6Jenna Burrell [10]
7Paul Dourish [3]
8Jim Faris [3]
9Margot Jacobs [12]
10Wendy A. Kellogg [3]
11Pete Lockhart [5]
12Scott D. Mainwaring [10]
13Wendy March [12]
14Michael Mateas [4]
15James Newbery [5]
16Steve Sato [7]
17Jean Scholtz [1] [5]
18John Sherry [10] [11]
19John W. Sherry [9]
20Alvaro E. Urrutia [9]
21Terry Winograd [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)