
Scott D. Mainwaring

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14EEScott D. Mainwaring, Wendy March, Bill Maurer: From meiwaku to tokushita!: lessons for digital money design from japan. CHI 2008: 21-24
13EEYang Wang, Scott D. Mainwaring: Human-Currency Interaction: learning from virtual currency use in China. CHI 2008: 25-28
12EESilvia Lindtner, Bonnie A. Nardi, Yang Wang, Scott D. Mainwaring, He Jing, Wenjing Liang: A hybrid cultural ecology: world of warcraft in China. CSCW 2008: 371-382
11EEJohanna Brewer, Scott D. Mainwaring, Paul Dourish: Aesthetic journeys. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 333-341
10EEAllison Woodruff, Ken Anderson, Scott D. Mainwaring, Ryan Aipperspach: Portable, But Not Mobile: A Study of Wireless Laptops in the Home. Pervasive 2007: 216-233
9EEJohn Krumm, Ken Anderson, Rodger Lea, Michael Blackstock, Mirjana Spasojevic, Mizuko Ito, Nancy A. Van House, Ilpo Koskinen, Fumitoshi Kato, Maribeth Back, Masatomi Inagaki, Kazunori Horikiri, Saadi Lahlou, Rafael Ballagas, Jeffrey Huang, Surapong Lertsithichai, Ame Elliott, Scott D. Mainwaring, Allison Woodruff, Phoebe Sengers, Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Jakob E. Bardram, Ilkka Korhonen: UbiComp 2006 Workshops, Part 2. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(2): 109-112 (2007)
8EEArianna Bassoli, Johanna Brewer, Karen Martin, Paul Dourish, Scott D. Mainwaring: Underground Aesthetics: Rethinking Urban Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(3): 39-45 (2007)
7EEIrina Shklovski, Scott D. Mainwaring: Exploring technology adoption and use through the Llens of residential mobility. CHI 2005: 621-630
6EEScott D. Mainwaring, Ken Anderson, Michele F. Chang: What's in your wallet?: implications for global e-wallet design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1613-1616
5EEScott D. Mainwaring, Ken Anderson, Michele F. Chang: Living for the Global City: Mobile Kits, Urban Interfaces, and Ubicomp. Ubicomp 2005: 269-286
4EEJohn Sherry, Scott D. Mainwaring, Jenna Burrell, Richard Beckwith, Tony Salvador: 'This All Together, Hon?' Ubicomp in Non-office Work Environments. Ubicomp 2004: 179-195
3EEScott D. Mainwaring, Michele F. Chang, Ken Anderson: Infrastructures and Their Discontents: Implications for Ubicomp. Ubicomp 2004: 418-432
2EEMark S. Ackerman, Brian Starr, Debby Hindus, Scott D. Mainwaring: Hanging on the `Wire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 4(1): 39-66 (1997)
1EEDebby Hindus, Mark S. Ackerman, Scott D. Mainwaring, Brian Starr: Thunderwire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space. CSCW 1996: 238-247

Coauthor Index

1Mark S. Ackerman [1] [2]
2Ryan Aipperspach [10]
3Ken Anderson [3] [5] [6] [9] [10]
4Maribeth Back [9]
5Rafael Ballagas [9]
6Jakob E. Bardram (Jakob Bardram) [9]
7Arianna Bassoli [8]
8Richard Beckwith [4]
9Michael Blackstock [9]
10Johanna Brewer [8] [11]
11Jenna Burrell [4]
12Michele F. Chang [3] [5] [6]
13Paul Dourish [8] [11]
14Ame Elliott [9]
15Thomas Riisgaard Hansen [9]
16Debby Hindus [1] [2]
17Kazunori Horikiri [9]
18Nancy A. Van House [9]
19Jeffrey Huang [9]
20Masatomi Inagaki [9]
21Mizuko Ito [9]
22He Jing [12]
23Fumitoshi Kato [9]
24Ilkka Korhonen [9]
25Ilpo Koskinen [9]
26John Krumm [9]
27Saadi Lahlou [9]
28Rodger Lea [9]
29Surapong Lertsithichai [9]
30Wenjing Liang [12]
31Silvia Lindtner [12]
32Wendy March [14]
33Karen Martin [8]
34Bill Maurer [14]
35Bonnie A. Nardi [12]
36Tony Salvador [4]
37Phoebe Sengers [9]
38John Sherry [4]
39Irina Shklovski [7]
40Mirjana Spasojevic [9]
41Brian Starr [1] [2]
42Yang Wang [12] [13]
43Allison Woodruff [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)