
Venkatesh Saligrama

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18EEPierre-Marc Jodoin, Janusz Konrad, Venkatesh Saligrama, Vincent Veilleux-Gaboury: Motion detection with an unstable camera. ICIP 2008: 229-232
17EEErhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama, Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Janusz Konrad: Motion segmentation and abnormal behavior detection via behavior clustering. ICIP 2008: 769-772
16EEJ. Mike McHugh, Janusz Konrad, Venkatesh Saligrama, Pierre-Marc Jodoin, David A. Castañon: Motion detection with false discovery rate control. ICIP 2008: 873-876
15EEShuchin Aeron, Manqi Zhao, Venkatesh Saligrama: Fundamental Limits on Sensing Capacity for Sensor Networks and Compressed Sensing CoRR abs/0804.3439: (2008)
14EEVenkatesh Saligrama: Deterministic Designs with Deterministic Guarantees: Toeplitz Compressed Sensing Matrices, Sequence Designs and System Identification CoRR abs/0806.4958: (2008)
13EEErhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama: Distributed Detection in Sensor Networks with Limited Range Multi-Modal Sensors CoRR abs/0809.1900: (2008)
12EEVenkatesh Saligrama, Manqi Zhao: Thresholded Basis Pursuit: Quantizing Linear Programming Solutions for Optimal Support Recovery and Approximation in Compressed Sensing CoRR abs/0809.4883: (2008)
11EEShuchin Aeron, Manqi Zhao, Venkatesh Saligrama: On sensing capacity of sensor networks for the class of linear observation, fixed SNR models CoRR abs/0704.3434: (2007)
10EEErhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama: Distributed Detection in Sensor Networks with Limited Range Sensors CoRR abs/cs/0701178: (2007)
9EEYe Wang, Prakash Ishwar, Venkatesh Saligrama: One-bit Distributed Sensing and Coding for Field Estimation in Sensor Networks CoRR abs/cs/0701196: (2007)
8EEGeorge Atia, Masoud Sharif, Venkatesh Saligrama: On Optimal Outage in Relay Channels With General Fading Distributions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(10): 3786-3797 (2007)
7EEShuchin Aeron, Venkatesh Saligrama: Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Strategies and Scaling Laws for the Fixed SNR Regime. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(6): 2044-2059 (2007)
6EER. Rahman, Murat Alanyali, Venkatesh Saligrama: Distributed Tracking in Multihop Sensor Networks With Communication Delays. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(9): 4656-4668 (2007)
5EEOnur Savas, Murat Alanyali, Venkatesh Saligrama: Efficient In-Network Processing Through Local Ad-Hoc Information Coalescence. DCOSS 2006: 252-265
4EEGeorge Atia, Masoud Sharif, Venkatesh Saligrama: Effect of Geometry on the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Relay Channels. GLOBECOM 2006
3 Venkatesh Saligrama, David Starobinski: On the macroscopic effects of local interactions in multi-hop wireless networks. WiOpt 2006: 161-168
2EEShuchin Aeron, Venkatesh Saligrama: Wireless ad-hoc networks: Strategies and Scaling laws for the fixed SNR regime CoRR abs/cs/0608089: (2006)
1EEErhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama: Adaptive statistical sampling methods for decentralized estimation and detection of localized phenomena. IPSN 2005: 143-150

Coauthor Index

1Shuchin Aeron [2] [7] [11] [15]
2Murat Alanyali [5] [6]
3George Atia [4] [8]
4David A. Castañon [16]
5Erhan Baki Ermis [1] [10] [13] [17]
6Prakash Ishwar [9]
7Pierre-Marc Jodoin [16] [17] [18]
8Janusz Konrad [16] [17] [18]
9J. Mike McHugh [16]
10R. Rahman [6]
11Onur Savas [5]
12Masoud Sharif [4] [8]
13David Starobinski [3]
14Vincent Veilleux-Gaboury [18]
15Ye Wang [9]
16Manqi Zhao [11] [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)