
Angelo M. Sabatini

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9EELaura Dipietro, Angelo M. Sabatini, Paolo Dario: A Survey of Glove-Based Systems and Their Applications. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(4): 461-482 (2008)
8EEAngelo M. Sabatini: Adaptive Filtering Algorithms Enhance the Accuracy of Low-Cost Inertial/Magnetic Sensing in Pedestrian Navigation Systems. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 7(3): 351-361 (2008)
7 Angelo M. Sabatini, Vincenzo Genovese, Eliseo Stefano Maini: BE-viewer: vision-based navigation system to assist motor-impaired people in docking their mobility aids. ICRA 2003: 1318-1323
6 Angelo M. Sabatini: Modeling Multi-lateration Ultrasound Ranging Systems in Biomechanical Gait Analysis. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 88-93
5EEAngelo M. Sabatini: Identification of neuromuscular synergies in natural upper-arm movements. Biological Cybernetics 86(4): 253-262 (2002)
4EEValentina Colla, Mirko Sgarbi, Leonardo Maria Reyneri, Angelo M. Sabatini: A neural approach to a sensor fusion problem. ESANN 1998: 357-362
3EEAngelo M. Sabatini, Valentina Colla: A method for sonar based recognition of walking people. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(1-2): 117-126 (1998)
2 Angelo M. Sabatini, Orazio Di Benedetto: Towards a Robust Methodology for Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar. ICRA 1994: 3142-3147
1 Angelo M. Sabatini, Paolo Dario, Massimo Bergamasco: Interpretation of Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissues from Tactile Measurement. ISER 1989: 452-462

Coauthor Index

1Orazio Di Benedetto [2]
2Massimo Bergamasco [1]
3Valentina Colla [3] [4]
4Paolo Dario [1] [9]
5Laura Dipietro [9]
6Vincenzo Genovese [7]
7Eliseo Stefano Maini [7]
8Leonardo Maria Reyneri [4]
9Mirko Sgarbi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)