
John Russell

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6EEMark Lysinger, François Jacquet, Mehdi Zamanian, David McClure, Philippe Roche, Naren Sahoo, John Russell: A Radiation Hardened Nano-Power 8Mb SRAM in 130nm CMOS. ISQED 2008: 23-29
5EEJohn Russell: Making it personal: information that adapts to the reader. SIGDOC 2003: 160-166
4EEJohn Russell: Find what I mean: exploring new kinds of search results. SIGDOC 2002: 179-185
3EEJohn Russell: "Yes, but does it scale?": practical considerations for database-driven information systems. SIGDOC 2001: 12-21
2EEJohn Russell: Book metaphor: friend or foe?. SIGDOC 2001: 180-185
1EEKiersten Muenchinger, Jon Lindsay, John Morkes, Connie Chiueh, John Russell, Tony Vastola: BIOculars: A Virtual Ecosystem for Wilderness Parks. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 365-366

Coauthor Index

1Connie Chiueh [1]
2François Jacquet [6]
3Jon Lindsay [1]
4Mark Lysinger [6]
5David McClure [6]
6John Morkes [1]
7Kiersten Muenchinger [1]
8Philippe Roche [6]
9Naren Sahoo [6]
10Tony Vastola [1]
11Mehdi Zamanian [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)