
Ignacio Rojas Ruiz

Ignacio Rojas

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104EEOlga Valenzuela, Ignacio Rojas, Fernando Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Guillén, Luisa Marquez, Miguel Pasadas: Hybridization of intelligent techniques and ARIMA models for time series prediction. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(7): 821-845 (2008)
103EEAlberto Guillén, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Luis Javier Herrera, Fernando Rojas, Olga Valenzuela: Studying possibility in a clustering algorithm for RBFNN design for function approximation. Neural Computing and Applications 17(1): 75-89 (2008)
102EEIgnacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Luis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Luisa Marquez, Miguel Pasadas: Soft-computing techniques and ARMA model for time series prediction. Neurocomputing 71(4-6): 519-537 (2008)
101 Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Maria del Mar Cepero, Francisco Javier Rojas: A Genetic Programming Approach for Classification of the Spontaneous Termination of Atrial Fibrillation. BIOCOMP 2007: 296-300
100EEAlberto Guillén, Jesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Francisco Fernández: A New Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer and Feature Selector for a Mineral Reduction Application. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
99EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Ginés Rubio: On Incorporating Seasonal Information on Recursive Time Series Predictors. ICANN (2) 2007: 506-515
98EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Ben Paechter: Boosting the Performance of a Multiobjective Algorithm to Design RBFNNs Through Parallelization. ICANNGA (1) 2007: 85-92
97EEM. Dolores Pérez-Godoy, Antonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, María José del Jesús, Ignacio Rojas: CoEvRBFN: An Approach to Solving the Classification Problem with a Hybrid Cooperative-Coevolutive Algorithm. IWANN 2007: 324-332
96EEAlberto Guillén, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Prieto: Parallel Multi-objective Memetic RBFNNs Design and Feature Selection for Function Approximation Problems. IWANN 2007: 341-350
95EEGinés Rubio, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Ignacio Rojas: Kernel Methods Applied to Time Series Forecasting. IWANN 2007: 782-789
94EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera: A First Approach to Birth Weight Prediction Using RBFNNs. IWINAC (1) 2007: 253-260
93EEOscar Cordón, Rafael Alcalá, Jesús Alcalá-Fdez, Ignacio Rojas: Guest Editorial Genetic Fuzzy Systems: What's Next? An Introduction to the Special Section. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(4): 533-535 (2007)
92EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Guillén, José M. Palomares, Fernando Rojas: Improving the accuracy while preserving the interpretability of fuzzy function approximators by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 44(1): 32-44 (2007)
91EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas: Output value-based initialization for radial basis function neural networks. Neural Processing Letters 25(3): 209-225 (2007)
90EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Jesús González, Mohammed Awad, A. Herrera: Multigrid-based fuzzy systems for time series prediction: CATS competition. Neurocomputing 70(13-15): 2410-2425 (2007)
89EEAlberto Guillén, Jesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: Using fuzzy logic to improve a clustering technique for function approximation. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2853-2860 (2007)
88EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Alberto Prieto, Olga Valenzuela: Recursive prediction for long term time series forecasting using advanced models. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2870-2880 (2007)
87EEAntonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, Ignacio Rojas, Julio Ortega, María José del Jesús: A new hybrid methodology for cooperative-coevolutionary optimization of radial basis function networks. Soft Comput. 11(7): 655-668 (2007)
86EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Ben Paechter: Improving the Performance of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Function Approximation Through Parallel Islands Specialisation. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1127-1132
85EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Michel Verleysen, Alberto Guillén: Effective Input Variable Selection for Function Approximation. ICANN (1) 2006: 41-50
84EESuhail M. Odeh, Eduardo Ros, Ignacio Rojas, José M. Palomares: Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Fluorescence Images. ICIAR (2) 2006: 648-659
83EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Francisco Fernández: Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction. ICNC (1) 2006: 511-520
82EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Prieto: Supervised RBFNN Centers and Radii Initialization for Function Approximation Problems. IJCNN 2006: 3175-3180
81EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Prieto: A Fuzzy-Possibilistic Fuzzy Ruled Clustering Algorithm for RBFNNs Design. RSCTC 2006: 647-656
80EEIgnacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Guillén, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Olga Valenzuela: Adaptive fuzzy controller: Application to the control of the temperature of a dynamic room in real time. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(16): 2241-2258 (2006)
79EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Fernando Rojas, José M. Palomares: Multi-objective evolution of fuzzy systems. Soft Comput. 10(9): 735-748 (2006)
78EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Mohammed Awad, Olga Valenzuela: Analysis of the TaSe-II TSK-Type Fuzzy System for Function Approximation. ECSQARU 2005: 613-624
77EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Jesús González: New Technique for Initialization of Centres in TSK Clustering-Based Fuzzy Systems. ECSQARU 2005: 980-991
76EEOlga Valenzuela, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Luisa Marquez: Automatic classification of prostate cancer using pseudo-gaussian radial basis function neural network. ESANN 2005: 145-150
75EEFernando Rojas Ruiz, Carlos García Puntonet, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz: Analysis of contrast functions in a genetic algorithm for post-nonlinear blind source separation. ESANN 2005: 521-526
74EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: TaSe Model for Long Term Time Series Forecasting. IWANN 2005: 1027-1034
73EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: Improving Clustering Technique for Functional Approximation Problem Using Fuzzy Logic: ICFA Algorithm. IWANN 2005: 272-279
72EEMohammed Awad, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Prieto: Input Variable Selection in Hierarchical RBF Networks. IWANN 2005: 280-288
71EEAntonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, Ignacio Rojas, Julio Ortega: Application of ANOVA to a Cooperative-Coevolutionary Optimization of RBFNs. IWANN 2005: 297-305
70EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Jesús González, Mohammed Awad: Clustering-Based TSK Neuro-fuzzy Model for Function Approximation with Interpretable Sub-models. IWANN 2005: 399-406
69EEGinés Rubio, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén: A Basic Approach to Reduce the Complexity of a Self-generated Fuzzy Rule-Table for Function Approximation by Use of Symbolic Regression in 1D and 2D Cases. IWINAC (2) 2005: 143-152
68EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Eduardo Ros, Luis Javier Herrera: Using Fuzzy Clustering Technique for Function Approximation to Approximate ECG Signals. IWINAC (2) 2005: 538-547
67EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Mohammed Awad, Jesús González: Interpretable Rule Extraction and Function Approximation from Numerical Input/Output Data Using the Modified Fuzzy TSK Model, TaSe Model. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 402-411
66EEAlberto Guillén, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: A Possibilistic Approach to RBFN Centers Initialization. RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 174-183
65EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: TaSe, a Taylor series-based fuzzy system model that combines interpretability and accuracy. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153(3): 403-427 (2005)
64EELuis Javier Herrera, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Héctor Pomares, Olga Valenzuela, Jesús González, Mohammed Awad: MultiGrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Time Series: Forecasting: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality. ESANN 2004: 127-132
63EEManuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Carlos García Puntonet, Moisés Salmerón-Campos: Lattice ICA for the separation of speech signals. ESANN 2004: 337-342
62EEIgnacio Rojas Ruiz, Héctor Pomares: Soft-computing techniques for time series forecasting. ESANN 2004: 93-102
61EEManuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Rubén Martín-Clemente, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Carlos García Puntonet: Geometrical ICA-Based Method for Blind Separation of Super-Gaussian Signals. ICA 2004: 350-357
60EEFernando Rojas Ruiz, Carlos García Puntonet, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez: Plugging an Histogram-Based Contrast Function on a Genetic Algorithm for Solving PostNonLinear-BSS. ICA 2004: 758-765
59EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Mohammed Awad: MultiGrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation. MICAI 2004: 252-261
58EEIgnacio Rojas, Fernando Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Jesús González, Olga Valenzuela: The Synergy between Classical and Soft-Computing Techniques for Time Series Prediction. MICAI 2004: 30-39
57EELuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Olga Valenzuela: Function Approximation through Fuzzy Systems Using Taylor Series Expansion-Based Rules: Interpretability and Parameter Tuning. MICAI 2004: 508-516
56EEHéctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Jesús González, Miguel Damas, Begoña Pino, Alberto Prieto: Online global learning in direct fuzzy controllers. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 12(2): 218-229 (2004)
55EEOlga Valenzuela, Lozano Márquez, Miguel Pasadas, Ignacio Rojas, Manuel Rodríguez, Fernando Rojas: Analysis of the Functional Block and Operator Involved in Fuzzy System Design. CAEPIA 2003: 157-166
54EEIgnacio Rojas, Fernando Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: The Synergy of GA and Fuzzy Systems for Multidimensional Problem: Application to Time Series Prediction. CAEPIA 2003: 566-576
53EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Julio Ortega: Designing a Phenotypic Distance Index for Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. IWANN (1) 2003: 454-461
52EEAntonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, Julio Ortega, Ignacio Rojas, María José del Jesús: Co-evolutionary Algorithm for RBF by Self-Organizing Population of Neurons. IWANN (1) 2003: 470-477
51EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Julio Ortega: Studying the Convergence of the CFA Algorithm. IWANN (1) 2003: 550-557
50EEFernando Rojas, Carlos García Puntonet, Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Ignacio Rojas: Evolutionary Algorithm Using Mutual Information for Independent Component Analysis. IWANN (2) 2003: 233-240
49EEManuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Fernando Rojas, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Ignacio Rojas: A New Geometrical ICA-based Method for Blind Separation of Speech Signals. IWANN (2) 2003: 281-288
48EEFernando Rojas, Carlos García Puntonet, Ignacio Rojas, Julio Ortega: An Independent Component Analysis Evolution Based Method for Nonlinear Speech Processing. IWANN (2) 2003: 679-686
47EEEduardo Ros, M. M. Rodríguez, Sonia Mota, José Luis Bernier, Ignacio Rojas, Carlos García Puntonet, Elmar Wolfgang Lang: Skin Lesions Diagnosis Based on Fluorescence Image Processing: Simple Parameters Scanning. IbPRIA 2003: 858-867
46EEOlga Valenzuela, Ignacio Rojas, Fernando Rojas: Sequential Learning Algorithm of Neural Networks Systems for Time Series. KI 2003: 327-341
45EEOlga Valenzuela, Ignacio Rojas, Fernando Rojas: Statistical Analysis of the Different Operator Involved in the Fuzzy Inference Process. WILF 2003: 63-71
44EEVíctor Manuel Rivas Santos, Juan J. Merelo Guervós, Ignacio Rojas, Gustavo Romero, Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso, J. Carpio: Evolving two-dimensional fuzzy systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 138(2): 381-398 (2003)
43EEHéctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González: New Methodology for Structure Identification of Fuzzy Controllers in Real Time. IBERAMIA 2002: 845-854
42EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares: Neural Networks, Clustering Techniques, and Function Approximation Problems. ICANN 2002: 553-558
41EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Alberto Prieto, Karl Goser: Evolutionary Training of Neuro-fuzzy Patches for Function Approximation. ICANN 2002: 559-564
40EEMoisés Salmerón, Julio Ortega, Carlos García Puntonet, Alberto Prieto, Ignacio Rojas: SSA, SVD, QR-cp, and RBF Model Reduction. ICANN 2002: 589-594
39EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares: Evolutive Identification of Fuzzy Systems for Time-Series Prediction. PPSN 2002: 517-526
38 Jesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Moisés Salmerón, Juan J. Merelo Guervós: Web newspaper layout optimization using simulated annealing. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(5): 686-691 (2002)
37 Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Juan J. Merelo Guervós, Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso, Gustavo Romero: Statistical analysis of the main parameters involved in the design of a genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 32(1): 31-37 (2002)
36EEHéctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Fernando Rojas, Miguel Damas, F. J. Fernández: A two-stage approach to self-learning direct fuzzy controllers. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 29(3): 267-289 (2002)
35EEIgnacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, José Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, Begoña Pino, Francisco J. Pelayo, Alberto Prieto: Time series analysis using normalized PG-RBF network with regression weights. Neurocomputing 42(1-4): 267-285 (2002)
34EEIgnacio Rojas Ruiz, José Luis Bernier, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Fernando J. Rojas, Carlos García Puntonet: The synergy between multideme genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems. ESANN 2001: 199-204
33EECarlos García Puntonet, Ali Mansour, Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Beatriz Prieto, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz: A stochastic and competitive network for the separation of sources. ESANN 2001: 31-38
32 Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, P. Gloesekotter, J. Diestuhl, Karl Groser: A New Sequential Learning Algorithm Using Pseudo-gaussian Functions for Neuro-fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1243-1246
31 Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, P. Gloesekotter, J. Diestuhl, Karl Groser: Multideme Evolution algorithm Based Approach to the Generation of Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1412-1415
30 Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Miguel Damas, Alberto Prieto: Fine Tuning of Fuzzy of Fuzzy Controllers Using a Two-stage Algorithm. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1479-1482
29 Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Alberto Prieto: A Method for Structure Identification in Complete Rule-based Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 376-379
28 Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Miguel Damas, Alberto Prieto: An Enhanced Self-organizing Controller for Real-time Process-control Applications. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 856-859
27EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Julio Ortega: RBF Neural Networks, Multiobjective Optimization and Time Series Forecasting. IWANN (1) 2001: 498-505
26EEHéctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González, Miguel Damas: A Novel Approach to Self-Adaptation of Neuro-fuzzy Controllers in Real Time. IWANN (1) 2001: 530-537
25EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Moisés Salmerón: Expert Mutation Operators for the Evolution of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. IWANN (1) 2001: 538-545
24EEAntonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, Julio Ortega, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: Optimizing RBF Networks with Cooperative/Competitive Evolution of Units and Fuzzy Rules. IWANN (1) 2001: 570-578
23EEManuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Carlos García Puntonet, Ignacio Rojas: Separation of Sources Based on the Partitioning of the Space of Observations. IWANN (2) 2001: 762-769
22EEJesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Moisés Salmerón, Alberto Prieto, Juan J. Merelo Guervós: Optimization of web newspaper layout in real time. Computer Networks 36(2/3): 311-321 (2001)
21EEIgnacio Rojas, Jesús González, Héctor Pomares, Fernando Rojas, F. J. Fernández, Alberto Prieto: Multidimensional and multideme genetic algorithms for the construction of fuzzy systems. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 26(3): 179-210 (2001)
20 José Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: A Quantitative Study of Fault Tolerance, Noise Immunity, and Generalization Ability of MLPs. Neural Computation 12(12): 2941-2964 (2001)
19EEIgnacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, Eduardo Ros, Moisés Salmerón, Julio Ortega, Alberto Prieto: A New Radial Basis Function Networks Structure: Application to Time Series Prediction. IJCNN (4) 2000: 449-454
18EEIgnacio Rojas, José Luis Bernier, Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Alberto Prieto: What are the Main Functional Block Involved in the Design of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems? IJCNN (6) 2000: 551-558
17 Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Julio Ortega, Jesús González, Alberto Prieto: A systematic approach to a self-generating fuzzy rule-table for function approximation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(3): 431-447 (2000)
16EEIgnacio Rojas, Jesús González, Antonio Cañas, Antonio F. Díaz, Fernando Rojas, Manuel Rodríguez: Short-Term Prediction of Chaotic Time Series by Using RBF Network with Regression Weights. Int. J. Neural Syst. 10(5): 353-364 (2000)
15 Eduardo Ros Vidal, Francisco J. Pelayo, P. Martin-Smith, Ignacio Rojas, D. Palomar, Alberto Prieto: Competitive and Temporal Inhibition Structures with Spiking Neurons. Neural Processing Letters 11(3): 197-208 (2000)
14 Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Jesús González, José Luis Bernier, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Francisco J. Pelayo, Alberto Prieto: Analysis of the Functional Block Involved in the Design of Radial Basis Function Networks. Neural Processing Letters 12(1): 1-17 (2000)
13 José Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, Ignacio Rojas, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Alberto Prieto: Obtaining Fault Tolerant Multilayer Perceptrons Using an Explicit Regularization. Neural Processing Letters 12(2): 107-113 (2000)
12EEJosé Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: Improving the tolerance of multilayer perceptrons by minimizing the statistical sensitivity to weight deviations. Neurocomputing 31(1-4): 87-103 (2000)
11 Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Julio Ortega, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Alberto Prieto: Sequential Learning Algorithm for PG-RBF Network Using Regression Weights for Time Series Prediction. IWANN (1) 1999: 631-640
10 Eduardo Ros Vidal, Francisco J. Pelayo, Ignacio Rojas, F. J. Fernández, Alberto Prieto: A VLSI Approach for Spike Timing Coding. IWANN (2) 1999: 166-175
9 José Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, M. M. Rodríguez, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: An Accurate Measure for Multilayer Perception Tolerance to Additive Weight Deviations. IWANN (2) 1999: 853-862
8EEIgnacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Francisco J. Pelayo, Mancia Anguita, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Alberto Prieto: New methodology for the development of adaptive and self-learning fuzzy controllers in real time. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 21(2): 109-136 (1999)
7EEEduardo Ros, Francisco J. Pelayo, D. Palomar, Ignacio Rojas, José Luis Bernier, Alberto Prieto: Stimulus Correlation and Adaptive Motion Detection Using Spiking Neurons. Int. J. Neural Syst. 9(5): 485-490 (1999)
6EEJosé Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, Eduardo Ros, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: A New Measurement of Noise Immunity and Generalization Ability for MLPs. Int. J. Neural Syst. 9(6): 511-521 (1999)
5 José Luis Bernier, Julio Ortega, M. M. Rodríguez, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto: An Accurate Measure for Multilayer Perceptron Tolerance to Weight Deviations. Neural Processing Letters 10(2): 121-130 (1999)
4EEIgnacio Rojas Ruiz, Mancia Anguita, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Héctor Pomares, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: What are the main factors involved in the design of a Radial Basis Function Network? ESANN 1998: 1-6
3EEIgnacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Mancia Anguita, Alberto Prieto: Analysis of the operators involved in the definition of the implication functions and in the fuzzy inference process. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 19(3-4): 367-389 (1998)
2 Julio Ortega, Ignacio Rojas, Antonio F. Díaz, Alberto Prieto: Parallel Coarse Grain Computing of Boltzmann Machines. Neural Processing Letters 7(3): 169-184 (1998)
1 Ignacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela, Alberto Prieto: Statistical Analysis of the Main Parameters in the Definition of Radial Bases Function Networks. IWANN 1997: 882-891

Coauthor Index

1Rafael Alcalá [93]
2Jesús Alcalá-Fdez [93]
3Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez [18] [23] [33] [49] [50] [60] [61] [63]
4Mancia Anguita [3] [4] [8]
5Mohammed Awad [59] [64] [67] [70] [72] [78] [90]
6José Luis Bernier [5] [6] [7] [9] [12] [13] [14] [18] [20] [34] [35] [47]
7Antonio Cañas (Antonio Cañas Vargas) [16]
8J. Carpio [44]
9Maria del Mar Cepero [101]
10Oscar Cordón [93]
11Miguel Damas [26] [28] [30] [36] [56]
12Antonio F. Díaz [2] [16]
13J. Diestuhl [31] [32]
14F. J. Fernández [10] [21] [36]
15Francisco Fernández [83] [100]
16P. Gloesekotter [31] [32]
17Jesús González [14] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [36] [37] [38] [39] [41] [42] [43] [51] [53] [56] [57] [58] [64] [66] [67] [70] [73] [77] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [86] [89] [90] [91] [92] [94] [96] [98] [100] [103]
18Juan Manuel Górriz (Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez, J. M. Górriz) [60]
19Karl Goser [41]
20Karl Groser [31] [32]
21Juan Julián Merelo Guervós (Juan J. Merelo Guervós) [22] [37] [38] [44]
22Alberto Guillén [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [73] [74] [77] [78] [80] [81] [82] [83] [85] [86] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [94] [96] [98] [99] [100] [102] [103] [104]
23A. Herrera [90]
24Luis Javier Herrera [57] [58] [59] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [70] [72] [73] [74] [77] [78] [80] [81] [82] [83] [85] [86] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [94] [95] [96] [98] [99] [100] [102] [103] [104]
25María José del Jesús [52] [87] [97]
26Elmar Wolfgang Lang [47] [49] [63]
27Ali Mansour [33]
28Lozano Márquez [55]
29Luisa Marquez [76] [102] [104]
30Rubén Martín-Clemente [61]
31P. Martin-Smith [15]
32Sonia Mota [47]
33Suhail M. Odeh [84]
34Julio Ortega [2] [5] [6] [9] [11] [12] [13] [17] [19] [20] [24] [27] [35] [40] [48] [51] [52] [53] [71] [87]
35Ben Paechter [86] [98]
36D. Palomar [7] [15]
37José M. Palomares (José Manuel Palomares Muñoz) [79] [84] [92]
38Miguel Pasadas [55] [102] [104]
39Francisco J. Pelayo [7] [8] [10] [14] [15] [35]
40M. Dolores Pérez-Godoy [97]
41Begoña Pino [35] [56]
42Héctor Pomares [4] [8] [11] [14] [17] [19] [21] [22] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [41] [42] [43] [51] [53] [56] [57] [58] [59] [62] [64] [65] [66] [67] [69] [70] [72] [73] [74] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [85] [86] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [94] [95] [96] [98] [99] [100] [102] [103] [104]
43Alberto Prieto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [28] [29] [30] [35] [40] [41] [54] [56] [65] [66] [72] [73] [74] [81] [82] [88] [89] [96]
44Beatriz Prieto [33]
45Carlos García Puntonet [23] [33] [34] [40] [47] [48] [50] [60] [61] [63] [75]
46Antonio Jesús Rivera Rivas [24] [52] [71] [87] [97]
47M. M. Rodríguez [5] [9] [47]
48Manuel Rodríguez [16] [55]
49Fernando J. Rojas [34]
50Francisco Javier Rojas [101]
51Gustavo Romero [37] [44]
52Ginés Rubio [69] [95] [99]
53Fernando Rojas Ruiz (Fernando Rojas) [16] [21] [36] [45] [46] [48] [49] [50] [54] [55] [58] [60] [61] [63] [75] [76] [79] [80] [91] [92] [101] [102] [103] [104]
54Moisés Salmerón [19] [22] [25] [38] [40]
55Moisés Salmerón-Campos [63]
56Víctor Manuel Rivas Santos [44]
57Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso (Pedro A. Castillo) [37] [44]
58Olga Valenzuela [1] [3] [4] [45] [46] [54] [55] [57] [58] [59] [64] [65] [66] [73] [74] [76] [78] [80] [88] [89] [91] [101] [102] [103] [104]
59Michel Verleysen [85]
60Eduardo Ros Vidal (Eduardo Ros) [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [19] [20] [34] [47] [68] [84]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)