2008 |
35 | EE | Olga Valenzuela,
Ignacio Rojas,
Fernando Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Guillén,
Luisa Marquez,
Miguel Pasadas:
Hybridization of intelligent techniques and ARIMA models for time series prediction.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(7): 821-845 (2008) |
34 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Fernando Rojas,
Olga Valenzuela:
Studying possibility in a clustering algorithm for RBFNN design for function approximation.
Neural Computing and Applications 17(1): 75-89 (2008) |
33 | EE | Ignacio Rojas,
Olga Valenzuela,
Fernando Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Luisa Marquez,
Miguel Pasadas:
Soft-computing techniques and ARMA model for time series prediction.
Neurocomputing 71(4-6): 519-537 (2008) |
2007 |
32 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Francisco Fernández:
A New Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer and Feature Selector for a Mineral Reduction Application.
FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6 |
31 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Ginés Rubio:
On Incorporating Seasonal Information on Recursive Time Series Predictors.
ICANN (2) 2007: 506-515 |
30 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Ben Paechter:
Boosting the Performance of a Multiobjective Algorithm to Design RBFNNs Through Parallelization.
ICANNGA (1) 2007: 85-92 |
29 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Héctor Pomares,
Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Prieto:
Parallel Multi-objective Memetic RBFNNs Design and Feature Selection for Function Approximation Problems.
IWANN 2007: 341-350 |
28 | EE | Ginés Rubio,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Ignacio Rojas:
Kernel Methods Applied to Time Series Forecasting.
IWANN 2007: 782-789 |
27 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas Ruiz,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera:
A First Approach to Birth Weight Prediction Using RBFNNs.
IWINAC (1) 2007: 253-260 |
26 | EE | Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Guillén,
José M. Palomares,
Fernando Rojas:
Improving the accuracy while preserving the interpretability of fuzzy function approximators by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 44(1): 32-44 (2007) |
25 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Olga Valenzuela,
Fernando Rojas:
Output value-based initialization for radial basis function neural networks.
Neural Processing Letters 25(3): 209-225 (2007) |
24 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Jesús González,
Mohammed Awad,
A. Herrera:
Multigrid-based fuzzy systems for time series prediction: CATS competition.
Neurocomputing 70(13-15): 2410-2425 (2007) |
23 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Olga Valenzuela,
Alberto Prieto:
Using fuzzy logic to improve a clustering technique for function approximation.
Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2853-2860 (2007) |
22 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Alberto Prieto,
Olga Valenzuela:
Recursive prediction for long term time series forecasting using advanced models.
Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2870-2880 (2007) |
2006 |
21 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Ben Paechter:
Improving the Performance of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Function Approximation Through Parallel Islands Specialisation.
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1127-1132 |
20 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Michel Verleysen,
Alberto Guillén:
Effective Input Variable Selection for Function Approximation.
ICANN (1) 2006: 41-50 |
19 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Francisco Fernández:
Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction.
ICNC (1) 2006: 511-520 |
18 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Prieto:
Supervised RBFNN Centers and Radii Initialization for Function Approximation Problems.
IJCNN 2006: 3175-3180 |
17 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Prieto:
A Fuzzy-Possibilistic Fuzzy Ruled Clustering Algorithm for RBFNNs Design.
RSCTC 2006: 647-656 |
16 | EE | Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Jesús González,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Guillén,
Fernando Rojas Ruiz,
Olga Valenzuela:
Adaptive fuzzy controller: Application to the control of the temperature of a dynamic room in real time.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(16): 2241-2258 (2006) |
2005 |
15 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Mohammed Awad,
Olga Valenzuela:
Analysis of the TaSe-II TSK-Type Fuzzy System for Function Approximation.
ECSQARU 2005: 613-624 |
14 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Jesús González:
New Technique for Initialization of Centres in TSK Clustering-Based Fuzzy Systems.
ECSQARU 2005: 980-991 |
13 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Olga Valenzuela,
Alberto Prieto:
TaSe Model for Long Term Time Series Forecasting.
IWANN 2005: 1027-1034 |
12 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Olga Valenzuela,
Alberto Prieto:
Improving Clustering Technique for Functional Approximation Problem Using Fuzzy Logic: ICFA Algorithm.
IWANN 2005: 272-279 |
11 | EE | Mohammed Awad,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Alberto Prieto:
Input Variable Selection in Hierarchical RBF Networks.
IWANN 2005: 280-288 |
10 | EE | Mohammed Awad,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Jesús González,
Alberto Guillén,
Fernando Rojas:
Approximating I/O Data Using Radial Basis Functions: A New Clustering-Based Approach.
IWANN 2005: 289-296 |
9 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Jesús González,
Mohammed Awad:
Clustering-Based TSK Neuro-fuzzy Model for Function Approximation with Interpretable Sub-models.
IWANN 2005: 399-406 |
8 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Eduardo Ros,
Luis Javier Herrera:
Using Fuzzy Clustering Technique for Function Approximation to Approximate ECG Signals.
IWINAC (2) 2005: 538-547 |
7 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Alberto Guillén,
Mohammed Awad,
Jesús González:
Interpretable Rule Extraction and Function Approximation from Numerical Input/Output Data Using the Modified Fuzzy TSK Model, TaSe Model.
RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 402-411 |
6 | EE | Alberto Guillén,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Olga Valenzuela,
Alberto Prieto:
A Possibilistic Approach to RBFN Centers Initialization.
RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 174-183 |
5 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Olga Valenzuela,
Alberto Prieto:
TaSe, a Taylor series-based fuzzy system model that combines interpretability and accuracy.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153(3): 403-427 (2005) |
2004 |
4 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Ignacio Rojas Ruiz,
Héctor Pomares,
Olga Valenzuela,
Jesús González,
Mohammed Awad:
MultiGrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Time Series: Forecasting: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality.
ESANN 2004: 127-132 |
3 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Olga Valenzuela,
Mohammed Awad:
MultiGrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation.
MICAI 2004: 252-261 |
2 | EE | Ignacio Rojas,
Fernando Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Luis Javier Herrera,
Jesús González,
Olga Valenzuela:
The Synergy between Classical and Soft-Computing Techniques for Time Series Prediction.
MICAI 2004: 30-39 |
1 | EE | Luis Javier Herrera,
Héctor Pomares,
Ignacio Rojas,
Jesús González,
Olga Valenzuela:
Function Approximation through Fuzzy Systems Using Taylor Series Expansion-Based Rules: Interpretability and Parameter Tuning.
MICAI 2004: 508-516 |