2005 |
22 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz,
J. C. Segura-Luna,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón:
A Survey of Forecasting Preprocessing Techniques using RNs.
Informatica (Slovenia) 29(1): 13-32 (2005) |
2004 |
21 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega:
On-line support vector machines and optimization strategies.
ESANN 2004: 121-126 |
20 | EE | Carlos García Puntonet,
Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Moisés Salmerón,
Susana Hornillo-Mellado:
Theoretical Method for Solving BSS-ICA Using SVM.
ICA 2004: 256-262 |
19 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón,
Fernando Rojas Ruiz:
Hybridizing Genetic Algorithms with ICA in Higher Dimension.
ICA 2004: 414-421 |
18 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón:
Online Algorithm for Time Series Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine Philosophy.
International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 50-57 |
17 | | J. M. Górriz,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón:
Preprocessing time series with ICA and savitzky-golay filtering.
Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2004: 48-53 |
16 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón,
Rubén Martín-Clemente:
Parallelization of Time Series Forecasting Model.
PDP 2004: 103- |
15 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón,
Juan José González de la Rosa:
A new model for time-series forecasting using radial basis functions and exogenous data.
Neural Computing and Applications 13(2): 101-111 (2004) |
2003 |
14 | EE | Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Miguel Damas:
Parallel Computation of an Adaptive Optimal RBF Network Predictor.
IWANN (2) 2003: 425-432 |
13 | EE | Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega:
New Method for Filtered ICA Signals Applied to Volatile Time Series.
IWANN (2) 2003: 433-440 |
2002 |
12 | | Moisés Salmerón,
Alberto Prieto,
Julio Ortega,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez:
Orthogonal transformations for optimal time series prediction.
ESANN 2002: 453-458 |
11 | EE | Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Alberto Prieto,
Ignacio Rojas:
SSA, SVD, QR-cp, and RBF Model Reduction.
ICANN 2002: 589-594 |
10 | | Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Moisés Salmerón,
Juan J. Merelo Guervós:
Web newspaper layout optimization using simulated annealing.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(5): 686-691 (2002) |
2001 |
9 | EE | Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Moisés Salmerón:
Expert Mutation Operators for the Evolution of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks.
IWANN (1) 2001: 538-545 |
8 | EE | Moisés Salmerón,
Diego Guidotti,
Ruggero Petacchi,
Leonardo Maria Reyneri:
Predictive Classification for Integrated Pest Management by Clustering in NN Output Space.
IWANN (2) 2001: 595-602 |
7 | EE | Miguel Damas,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
G. Olivares:
Hybrid Framework for Neuro-Dynamic Programming Application to Water Supply Networks.
IWANN (2) 2001: 719-727 |
6 | EE | Jesús González,
Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Moisés Salmerón,
Alberto Prieto,
Juan J. Merelo Guervós:
Optimization of web newspaper layout in real time.
Computer Networks 36(2/3): 311-321 (2001) |
5 | | Miguel Damas,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
G. Olivares,
Héctor Pomares:
Parallel dynamic water supply scheduling in a cluster of computers.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(15): 1281-1302 (2001) |
4 | EE | Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
Carlos García Puntonet,
Alberto Prieto:
Improved RAN sequential prediction using orthogonal techniques.
Neurocomputing 41(1-4): 153-172 (2001) |
2000 |
3 | EE | Miguel Damas,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega:
ANNs and GAs for Predictive Controlling of Water Supply Networks.
IJCNN (4) 2000: 365-372 |
2 | EE | Ignacio Rojas,
Héctor Pomares,
Jesús González,
Eduardo Ros,
Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
Alberto Prieto:
A New Radial Basis Function Networks Structure: Application to Time Series Prediction.
IJCNN (4) 2000: 449-454 |
1999 |
1 | | Moisés Salmerón,
Julio Ortega,
Carlos García Puntonet:
On-Line Optimization of Radial Basis Function Networks with Orthogonal Techniques.
IWANN (1) 1999: 467-477 |