
Lih-Yuan Deng

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7EELih-Yuan Deng, Huajiang Li, Jyh-Jen Horng Shiau: Scalable parallel multiple recursive generators of large order. Parallel Computing 35(1): 29-37 (2009)
6EELih-Yuan Deng, Rui Guo, Dennis K. J. Lin, Fengshan Bai: Improving Random Number Generators in the Monte Carlo simulations via twisting and combining. Computer Physics Communications 178(6): 401-408 (2008)
5EELih-Yuan Deng: Efficient and portable multiple recursive generators of large order. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 15(1): 1-13 (2005)
4EELih-Yuan Deng, Hongquan Xu: A system of high-dimensional, efficient, long-cycle and portable uniform random number generators. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 13(4): 299-309 (2003)
3EELih-Yuan Deng, Cecil C. Rousseau, Yilian Yuan: Generalized Lehmer-Tausworthe random number generators. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 108-115
2EELih-Yuan Deng, E. Olusegun George, Yu-Chao Chu: On improving pseudo-random number generators. Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 1035-1042
1EELih-Yuan Deng, Yu-Chao Chu: Combining random number generators. Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 1043-1046

Coauthor Index

1Fengshan Bai [6]
2Yu-Chao Chu [1] [2]
3E. Olusegun George [2]
4Rui Guo [6]
5Huajiang Li [7]
6Dennis K. J. Lin [6]
7Cecil C. Rousseau [3]
8Jyh-Jen Horng Shiau [7]
9Hongquan Xu [4]
10Yilian Yuan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)