
Charles Robertson

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4 Frederick C. Harris Jr., Brent Devaney, John Kenyon, Charles Robertson, Tchad Rogers: Modeling Aspects of the Dynasty 3-D Game. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 283-289
3EEJohn A. Robinson, Charles Robertson: The LivePaper system: augmenting paper on an enhanced tabletop. Computers & Graphics 25(5): 731-743 (2001)
2EECharles Robertson, John Robinson: Live paper: video augmentation to simulate interactive paper. ACM Multimedia (2) 1999: 167-170
1 Leonard Charest, Nicolas Rouquette, Richard Doyle, Jay Wyatt, Charles Robertson: MESA: An Interactive Modeling and Simulation Environment for Intelligent Systems Automations. HICSS (3) 1994: 517-525

Coauthor Index

1Leonard Charest [1]
2Brent Devaney [4]
3Richard Doyle [1]
4Frederick C. Harris Jr. [4]
5John Kenyon [4]
6John Robinson [2]
7John A. Robinson [3]
8Tchad Rogers [4]
9Nicolas Rouquette [1]
10Jay Wyatt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)