
Barry Rountree

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8EEBradley J. Barnes, Barry Rountree, David K. Lowenthal, Jaxk Reeves, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz: A regression-based approach to scalability prediction. ICS 2008: 368-377
7EEBarry Rountree, David K. Lowenthal, Shelby Funk, Vincent W. Freeh, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz: Bounding energy consumption in large-scale MPI programs. SC 2007: 49
6EEVincent W. Freeh, David K. Lowenthal, Feng Pan, Nandini Kappiah, Robert Springer, Barry Rountree, Mark E. Femal: Analyzing the Energy-Time Trade-Off in High-Performance Computing Applications. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(6): 835-848 (2007)
5EEGregory L. Lee, Martin Schulz, Dong H. Ahn, Andrew Bernat, Bronis R. de Supinski, Steven Y. Ko, Barry Rountree: Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and Data Aggregation on Large Scale Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming 35(3): 207-232 (2007)
4EERobert Springer, David K. Lowenthal, Barry Rountree, Vincent W. Freeh: Minimizing execution time in MPI programs on an energy-constrained, power-scalable cluster. PPOPP 2006: 230-238
3EEChris Bentley, Scott A. Watterson, David K. Lowenthal, Barry Rountree: Implicit array bounds checking on 64-bit architectures. TACO 3(4): 502-527 (2006)
2EEBarry Rountree, Robert Springer, David K. Lowenthal, Vincent W. Freeh: Notes from HPPAC 2005. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(4): 108-112 (2005)
1EEChris Bentley, Scott A. Watterson, David K. Lowenthal, Barry Rountree: Implicit java array bounds checking on 64-bit architecture. ICS 2004: 227-236

Coauthor Index

1Dong H. Ahn [5]
2Bradley J. Barnes [8]
3Chris Bentley [1] [3]
4Andrew Bernat [5]
5Mark E. Femal [6]
6Vincent W. Freeh [2] [4] [6] [7]
7Shelby Funk [7]
8Nandini Kappiah [6]
9Steven Y. Ko [5]
10Gregory L. Lee [5]
11David K. Lowenthal [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
12Feng Pan [6]
13Jaxk Reeves [8]
14Martin Schulz [5] [7] [8]
15Robert Springer [2] [4] [6]
16Bronis R. de Supinski [5] [7] [8]
17Scott A. Watterson [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)