
Mauro Rossi

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6 Francesco Belletti, Maria Cotallo, Andres Cruz Flor, Luis Antonio Fernandez, Antonio Gordillo, Andrea Maiorano, Filippo Mantovani, Enzo Marinari, Victor Martin-Mayor, Antonio Munoz Sudupe, Denis Navarro, Sergio Perez Gaviro, Mauro Rossi, Juan Jesus Ruiz-Lorenzo, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Daniele Sciretti, Alfonso Tarancon, Raffaele Tripiccione, Jose Luis Velasco: IANUS: Scientific Computing on an FPGA-Based Architecture. PARCO 2007: 553-560
5EEFrancesco Belletti, Maria Cotallo, Andres Cruz Flor, Luis Antonio Fernandez, Antonio Gordillo, Andrea Maiorano, Filippo Mantovani, Enzo Marinari, Victor Martin-Mayor, Antonio Munoz Sudupe, Denis Navarro, Sergio Perez Gaviro, Mauro Rossi, Juan Jesus Ruiz-Lorenzo, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Daniele Sciretti, Alfonso Tarancon, Raffaele Tripiccione, Jose Luis Velasco: IANUS: an FPGA-based System for High Performance Scientific Computing CoRR abs/0710.3535: (2007)
4EEDavid Wang, Kevin Tuer, Mauro Rossi, Joseph Shu: Haptic Overlay Device for Flat Panel Touch Displays. HAPTICS 2004: 290
3EEDavid Wang, Kevin Tuer, Mauro Rossi, Joseph Shu: Identification Friend or Foe Application Demonstrating Effects of Haptics and Time Delay. HAPTICS 2004: 292
2 Mauro Rossi, David Wang, Kai Zuo: Issues in the Design of Passive Controllers for Flexible-Link Robots. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(4): 577-588 (1997)
1 Mauro Rossi, Kai Zuo, David Wang: Issues in the Design of Passive Controllers for Flexible Link Robots. ICRA 1994: 321-326

Coauthor Index

1Francesco Belletti [5] [6]
2Maria Cotallo [5] [6]
3Luis Antonio Fernandez [5] [6]
4Andres Cruz Flor [5] [6]
5Sergio Perez Gaviro [5] [6]
6Antonio Gordillo [5] [6]
7Andrea Maiorano [5] [6]
8Filippo Mantovani [5] [6]
9Enzo Marinari [5] [6]
10Victor Martin-Mayor [5] [6]
11Denis Navarro [5] [6]
12Juan Jesus Ruiz-Lorenzo [5] [6]
13Sebastiano Fabio Schifano [5] [6]
14Daniele Sciretti [5] [6]
15Joseph Shu [3] [4]
16Antonio Munoz Sudupe [5] [6]
17Alfonso Tarancon [5] [6]
18Raffaele Tripiccione [5] [6]
19Kevin Tuer [3] [4]
20Jose Luis Velasco [5] [6]
21David Wang [1] [2] [3] [4]
22Kai Zuo [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)