
Sean Rooney

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13EESean Rooney, Luis Garcés-Erice: Predicting Performance on a Loosely Controlled Event System. COMPSAC 2008: 1136-1142
12EESean Rooney, Luis Garcés-Erice: Messo & Preso Practical Sensor-Network Messaging Protocols. ECUMN 2007: 364-376
11EESean Rooney, Luis Garcés-Erice: Reliable Actuation in Sensor Networks. JNW 2(6): 1-12 (2007)
10EESean Rooney, Daniel Bauer, Paolo Scotton: Distributed messaging using meta channels and message bins. Integrated Network Management 2005: 703-716
9EESean Rooney, Daniel Bauer, Paolo Scotton: Edge Server Software Architecture For Sensor Applications. SAINT 2005: 64-71
8EEDaniel Bauer, Ilias Iliadis, Sean Rooney, Paolo Scotton: Communication Architectures for Massive Multi-Player Games. Multimedia Tools Appl. 23(1): 47-66 (2004)
7EEDaniel Bauer, Sean Rooney: The Performance of Software Multicast-Reflector Implementations for Multi-player Online Games. Networked Group Communication 2003: 214-225
6EEChris Giblin, Sean Rooney, Anthony Bussani: Remote Code Browsing, a Network Based Computation Utility. DSOM 2002: 121-132
5EEDaniel Bauer, Sean Rooney, Paolo Scotton: Network infrastructure for massively distributed games. NETGAMES 2002: 36-43
4EEDaniel Bauer, Sean Rooney, Paolo Scotton, Sonja Buchegger, Ilias Iliadis: The Performance of Measurement-Based Overlay Networks. QofIS 2002: 115-124
3EESimon Crosby, Sean Rooney, Rebecca Isaacs, Herbert Bos: A perspective on how ATM lost control. Computer Communication Review 32(5): 25-28 (2002)
2EESean Rooney: A Control Architecture for Lightweight Virtual Networks. DSOM 2000: 13-24
1 Sean Rooney: The Hollowman: An Innovative ATM Control Architecture. Integrated Network Management 1997: 369-380

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bauer [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Herbert Bos [3]
3Sonja Buchegger [4]
4Anthony Bussani [6]
5Simon Crosby [3]
6Luis Garcés-Erice [11] [12] [13]
7Chris Giblin [6]
8Ilias Iliadis [4] [8]
9Rebecca Isaacs [3]
10Paolo Scotton [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)