
A. Rodriguez

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4EEGary MacGillivray, A. Rodriguez: The achromatic number of the union of paths. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 331-335 (2001)
3 A. Rodriguez, F. Martin: Combining Structures for a Case Reuse in a CBR System. DEXA Workshop 1995: 515-520
2 Joaquín Dopazo, A. Rodriguez, J. C. Saiz, F. Sobrino: Design of primers for PCR amplification of highly variable genomes. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9(2): 123-125 (1993)
1EEMichel Devy, Jean-José Orteu, J. L. Fuentes-Cantillana, J. C. Catalina, A. Rodriguez, D. Dumahu, P. Villeneuve de Janti: Mining robotics: Application of computer vision to the automation of a roadheader. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 11(2): 65-74 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1J. C. Catalina [1]
2Michel Devy [1]
3Joaquín Dopazo [2]
4D. Dumahu [1]
5J. L. Fuentes-Cantillana [1]
6P. Villeneuve de Janti [1]
7Gary MacGillivray [4]
8F. Martin [3]
9Jean-José Orteu [1]
10J. C. Saiz [2]
11F. Sobrino [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)