
Daniel Rinaldi

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6EECarles Curutchet, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar, Manuel F. Ruiz-López, Daniel Rinaldi, Modesto Orozco, F. Javier Luque: Electrostatic component of solvation: Comparison of SCRF continuum models. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(3): 284-297 (2003)
5EEG.-S. Li, Bernard Maigret, Daniel Rinaldi, Manuel F. Ruiz-López: Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(15): 1675-1688 (1998)
4EEIñaki Tuñón, Manuel F. Ruiz-López, Daniel Rinaldi, Juan Bertrán: Computation of hydration free energies using a parameterized continuum model: Study of equilibrium geometries and reactive processes in water solution. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(2): 148-155 (1996)
3 Vincent Théry, Daniel Rinaldi, Jean-Louis Rivail, Bernard Maigret, György G. Ferenczy: Quantum Mechanical Computations on Very Large Molecular Systems: The Local Self-Consistent Field Method. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(3): 269-282 (1994)
2EEDaniel Rinaldi: Lamé's functions and ellipsoidal harmonics for use in chemical physics. Computers & Chemistry 6(4): 155-160 (1982)
1EEDaniel Rinaldi: Versatile techniques for semigmpirlcal SCF-LCAO calculations including minimization of energy. Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 109-114 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Juan Bertrán [4]
2Christopher J. Cramer [6]
3Carles Curutchet [6]
4György G. Ferenczy [3]
5G.-S. Li [5]
6F. Javier Luque (Francisco Javier Luque) [6]
7Bernard Maigret [3] [5]
8Modesto Orozco [6]
9Jean-Louis Rivail [3]
10Manuel F. Ruiz-López [4] [5] [6]
11Vincent Théry [3]
12Donald G. Truhlar [6]
13Iñaki Tuñón [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)