
Donald G. Truhlar

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11EENathan E. Schultz, Yan Zhao, Donald G. Truhlar: Benchmarking approximate density functional theory for s/d excitation energies in 3d transition metal cations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(2): 185-189 (2008)
10EEDonald G. Truhlar: Valence bond theory for chemical dynamics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(1): 73-86 (2007)
9EEJason D. Thompson, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar: Parameterization of charge model 3 for AM1, PM3, BLYP, and B3LYP. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(11): 1291-1304 (2003)
8EEMireia Garcia-Viloca, Cristóbal Alhambra, Donald G. Truhlar, Jiali Gao: Hydride transfer catalyzed by xylose isomerase: Mechanism and quantum effects. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(2): 177-190 (2003)
7EECarles Curutchet, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar, Manuel F. Ruiz-López, Daniel Rinaldi, Modesto Orozco, F. Javier Luque: Electrostatic component of solvation: Comparison of SCRF continuum models. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(3): 284-297 (2003)
6EEDerek M. Dolney, Gregory D. Hawkins, Paul Winget, Daniel A. Liotard, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar: Universal solvation model based on conductor-like screening model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(5): 340-366 (2000)
5EESusan E. Barrows, Joey W. Storer, Christopher J. Cramer, Alfred D. French, Donald G. Truhlar: Factors controlling relative stability of anomers and hydroxymethyl conformers of glucopyranose. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(10): 1111-1129 (1998)
4 Daniel A. Liotard, Gregory D. Hawkins, Gillian C. Lynch, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar: Improved Methods for Semiempirical Solvation Models. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(4): 422-440 (1995)
3 Joey W. Storer, David J. Giesen, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar: Class IV charge models: A new semiempirical approach in quantum chemistry. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 9(1): 87-110 (1995)
2 Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar: AM1-SM2 and PM3-SM3 parameterized SCF solvation models for free energies in aqueous solution. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 6(6): 629-666 (1992)
1EEDavid L. Cochrane, Donald G. Truhlar: Strategies and performance norms for efficient utilization of vector pipeline computers as illustrated by the classical mechanical simulation of rotationally inelastic collisions. Parallel Computing 6(1): 63-85 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Cristóbal Alhambra [8]
2Susan E. Barrows [5]
3David L. Cochrane [1]
4Christopher J. Cramer [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
5Carles Curutchet [7]
6Derek M. Dolney [6]
7Alfred D. French [5]
8Jiali Gao [8]
9Mireia Garcia-Viloca [8]
10David J. Giesen [3]
11Gregory D. Hawkins [4] [6]
12Daniel A. Liotard [4] [6]
13F. Javier Luque (Francisco Javier Luque) [7]
14Gillian C. Lynch [4]
15Modesto Orozco [7]
16Daniel Rinaldi [7]
17Manuel F. Ruiz-López [7]
18Nathan E. Schultz [11]
19Joey W. Storer [3] [5]
20Jason D. Thompson [9]
21Paul Winget [6]
22Yan Zhao [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)