
György G. Ferenczy

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5EEGyörgy G. Ferenczy, János G. Ángyán: Intra- and intermolecular interactions in crystals of polar molecules. A study by the mixed quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical SCMP-NDDO method. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(14): 1679-1690 (2001)
4EEStuart R. Gooding, Peter J. Winn, Richard I. Maurer, György G. Ferenczy, John R. Miller, Jayne E. Harris, D. Vaughan Griffiths, Christopher A. Reynolds: Fully polarizable QM/MM calculations: An application to the nonbonded iodine-oxygen interaction in dimethyl-2-iodobenzoylphosphonate. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(6): 478-482 (2000)
3EEPeter J. Winn, György G. Ferenczy, Christopher A. Reynolds: Towards improved force fields: III. Polarization through modified atomic charges. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(7): 704-712 (1999)
2EEGyörgy G. Ferenczy, Gábor I. Csonka, Gábor Náray-Szabó, János G. Ángyán: Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical self-consistent Madelung potential method for treatment of polar molecular crystals. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(1): 38-50 (1998)
1 Vincent Théry, Daniel Rinaldi, Jean-Louis Rivail, Bernard Maigret, György G. Ferenczy: Quantum Mechanical Computations on Very Large Molecular Systems: The Local Self-Consistent Field Method. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(3): 269-282 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1János G. Ángyán [2] [5]
2Gábor I. Csonka [2]
3Stuart R. Gooding [4]
4D. Vaughan Griffiths [4]
5Jayne E. Harris [4]
6Bernard Maigret [1]
7Richard I. Maurer [4]
8John R. Miller [4]
9Gábor Náray-Szabó [2]
10Christopher A. Reynolds [3] [4]
11Daniel Rinaldi [1]
12Jean-Louis Rivail [1]
13Vincent Théry [1]
14Peter J. Winn [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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