
Ted Briscoe

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28EETed Briscoe, Caroline Gasperin, Ian Lewin, Andreas Vlachos: Bootstrapping an interactive information extraction system for FlyBase curation. Ontologies and Text Mining for Life Sciences 2008
27EEJudita Preiss, Ted Briscoe, Anna Korhonen: A System for Large-Scale Acquisition of Verbal, Nominal and Adjectival Subcategorization Frames from Corpora. ACL 2007
26EEBen Medlock, Ted Briscoe: Weakly Supervised Learning for Hedge Classification in Scientific Literature. ACL 2007
25EETed Briscoe, John Carroll: Evaluating the Accuracy of an Unlexicalized Statistical Parser on the PARC DepBank. ACL 2006
24EETed Briscoe, John Carroll, Rebecca Watson: The Second Release of the RASP System. ACL 2006
23EEAndreas Vlachos, Caroline Gasperin, Ian Lewin, Ted Briscoe: Bootstrapping the Recognition and Anaphoric Linking of Named Entities in Drosophila Articles. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 100-111
22EEJeremy Yallop, Anna Korhonen, Ted Briscoe: Automatic Acquisition of Adjectival Subcategorization from Corpora. ACL 2005
21EEJohn Carroll, Ted Briscoe: High Precision Extraction of Grammatical Relations. COLING 2002
20 John Carroll, Ted Briscoe: High Precision Extraction of Grammatical Relations. IWPT 2001
19EEJohn Carroll, Guido Minnen, Ted Briscoe: Corpus Annotation for Parser Evaluation CoRR cs.CL/9907013: (1999)
18 Ted Briscoe, Ann A. Copestake: Lexical Rules in Constraint-based Grammar. Computational Linguistics 25(4): 487-526 (1999)
17EEJohn Carroll, Guido Minnen, Ted Briscoe: Can Subcategorisation Probabilities Help a Statistical Parser? CoRR cmp-lg/9806013: (1998)
16 Ted Briscoe: Co-evolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device. ACL 1997: 418-427
15EETed Briscoe, John Carroll: Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization from Corpora. ANLP 1997: 356-363
14EETed Briscoe, John Carroll: Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization from Corpora CoRR cmp-lg/9702002: (1997)
13EETed Briscoe: Co-evolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device CoRR cmp-lg/9705001: (1997)
12EEJohn Carroll, Ted Briscoe: Apportioning Development Effort in a Probabilistic LR Parsing System through Evaluation CoRR cmp-lg/9604004: (1996)
11EEAnn Gopestake, Ted Briscoe, Piek Vossen, Alicia Ageno, Irene Castellón, Francesc Ribas, German Rigau, Horacio Rodríguez, Anna Samiotou: Acquisition of lexical translation relations from MRDS. Machine Translation 9(3-4): 183-219 (1994)
10 Ted Briscoe, John Carroll: Generalized Probabilistic LR Parsing of Natural Language (Corpora) with Unification-Based Grammars. Computational Linguistics 19(1): 25-59 (1993)
9 Ann A. Copestake, Ted Briscoe: Lexical Operations in a Unification-Based Framework. SIGLEX Workshop 1991: 101-119
8EETed Briscoe, Ann A. Copestake, Branimir Boguraev: Enjoy the Paper: Lexicology. COLING 1990: 42-47
7 Ted Briscoe: Lexical Access in Connected Speech Recognition. ACL 1989: 84-90
6EELita Taylor, Claire Grover, Ted Briscoe: The Syntactic Regularity Of English Noun Phrases. EACL 1989: 256-263
5 Branimir Boguraev, John Carroll, Ted Briscoe, Claire Grover: Software support for practical grammar development. COLING 1988: 54-58
4EETed Briscoe: Deterministic Parsing And Unbounded Dependencies. EACL 1987: 211-217
3EEBranimir Boguraev, David M. Carter, Ted Briscoe: A Multi-Purpose Interface to an On-line Dictionary. EACL 1987: 63-69
2 Ted Briscoe, Claire Grover, Branimir Boguraev, John Carroll: A Formalism and Environment for the Development of a Large Grammar of English. IJCAI 1987: 703-708
1EEHiyan Alshawi, Branimir Boguraev, Ted Briscoe: Towards A Dictionary Support Environment For Realtime Parsing. EACL 1985: 171-178

Coauthor Index

1Alicia Ageno [11]
2Hiyan Alshawi [1]
3Branimir Boguraev [1] [2] [3] [5] [8]
4John A. Carroll (John Carroll) [2] [5] [10] [12] [14] [15] [17] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25]
5David M. Carter [3]
6Irene Castellón [11]
7Ann A. Copestake [8] [9] [18]
8Caroline Gasperin [23] [28]
9Ann Gopestake [11]
10Claire Grover [2] [5] [6]
11Anna Korhonen [22] [27]
12Ian Lewin [23] [28]
13Ben Medlock [26]
14Guido Minnen [17] [19]
15Judita Preiss [27]
16Francesc Ribas [11]
17German Rigau [11]
18Horacio Rodríguez [11]
19Anna Samiotou [11]
20Lita Taylor [6]
21Andreas Vlachos [23] [28]
22Piek T. J. M. Vossen (Piek Vossen) [11]
23Rebecca Watson [24]
24Jeremy Yallop [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)