
Ita Richardson

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23EEIta Richardson, Yvonne Delaney: Problem Based Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom. CSEE&T 2009: 174-181
22EEMichael J. O'Donnell, Ita Richardson: Problems Encountered When Implementing Agile Methods in a Very Small Company. EuroSPI 2008: 13-24
21EEFergal McCaffery, Minna Pikkarainen, Ita Richardson: Ahaa --agile, hybrid assessment method for automotive, safety critical smes. ICSE 2008: 551-560
20EEJohn Burton, Fergal McCaffery, Ita Richardson: Improving Software Risk Management Practices in a Medical Device Company. ICSP 2008: 24-35
19EESinéad Hayes, Ita Richardson: Scrum Implementation Using Kotter's Change Model. XP 2008: 161-171
18EEFergal McCaffery, Ita Richardson, Peter Moller: Automotive-adept: A lightweight assessment method for the automotive software industry. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 13(4): 345-353 (2008)
17EEValentine Casey, Ita Richardson: Virtual teams: understanding the impact of fear. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 13(6): 511-526 (2008)
16EEIta Richardson: Preparing Students for Software Engineering Research. CSEE&T 2007: 367
15EEIta Richardson, Sarah Moore, Daniel J. Paulish, Valentine Casey, Dolores Zage: Globalizing Software Development in the Local Classroom. CSEE&T 2007: 64-71
14EEIta Richardson, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim: Guest Editors' Introduction: Why are Small Software Organizations Different? IEEE Software 24(1): 18-22 (2007)
13EEMarty Sanders, Ita Richardson: Research into long-term improvements in small- to medium-sized organisations using SPICE as a framework for standards. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(4): 351-359 (2007)
12 Ita Richardson, Per Runeson, Richard Messnarz: Software Process Improvement, 13th European Conference, EuroSPI 2006, Joensuu, Finland, October 11-13, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
11EERichard Messnarz, Ita Richardson, Per Runeson: Software Process Improvement - EuroSPI 2006 Conference. EuroSPI 2006: 1-4
10EEIta Richardson, Allen E. Milewski, Neel Mullick, Patrick Keil: Distributed development: an education perspective on the global studio project. ICSE 2006: 679-684
9 Ita Richardson, Pekka Abrahamsson, Richard Messnarz: Software Process Improvement, 12th European Conference, EuroSPI 2005, Budapest, Hungary, November 9-11, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
8EERichard Messnarz, Pekka Abrahamsson, Ita Richardson: Software Process Improvement - EuroSPI 2005 Conference. EuroSPI 2005: 1-3
7EEBrendan Keane, Ita Richardson: Quality: Attitudes and Experience Within the Irish Software Industry. EuroSPI 2005: 49-58
6EEValentine Casey, Ita Richardson: A practical application of the IDEAL model. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 9(3): 123-132 (2004)
5EEIta Richardson: SPI Models: What Characteristics Are Required for Small Software Development Companies? ECSQ 2002: 100-113
4EEValentine Casey, Ita Richardson: A Practical Application of the IDEAL Model. PROFES 2002: 172-184
3EEBridget Meehan, Ita Richardson: Identification of Software Process Knowledge Management. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7(2): 47-55 (2002)
2EEIta Richardson: SPI Models: What Characteristics are Required for Small Software Development Companies? Software Quality Journal 10(2): 101-114 (2002)
1 Ita Richardson: Software process matrix: a small company SPI model. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 6(3): 157-165 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Pekka Abrahamsson [8] [9]
2John Burton [20]
3Valentine Casey [4] [6] [15] [17]
4Yvonne Delaney [23]
5Sinéad Hayes [19]
6Brendan Keane [7]
7Patrick Keil [10]
8Fergal McCaffery [18] [20] [21]
9Bridget Meehan [3]
10Richard Messnarz [8] [9] [11] [12]
11Allen E. Milewski [10]
12Peter Moller [18]
13Sarah Moore [15]
14Neel Mullick [10]
15Michael J. O'Donnell [22]
16Daniel J. Paulish [15]
17Minna Pikkarainen [21]
18Per Runeson [11] [12]
19Marty Sanders [13]
20Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim [14]
21Dolores Zage [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)