
Fergal McCaffery

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15EEFergal McCaffery, Minna Pikkarainen, Ita Richardson: Ahaa --agile, hybrid assessment method for automotive, safety critical smes. ICSE 2008: 551-560
14EEJohn Burton, Fergal McCaffery, Ita Richardson: Improving Software Risk Management Practices in a Medical Device Company. ICSP 2008: 24-35
13EEDerek Flood, Kevin McDaid, Fergal McCaffery, Brian Bishop: Intelligent Voice Navigation of Spreadsheets. TSD 2008: 577-584
12EEDerek Flood, Kevin McDaid, Fergal McCaffery, Brian Bishop: Evaluation of an Intelligent Assistive Technology for Voice Navigation of Spreadsheets CoRR abs/0809.3571: (2008)
11EEFergal McCaffery, Ita Richardson, Peter Moller: Automotive-adept: A lightweight assessment method for the automotive software industry. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 13(4): 345-353 (2008)
10EEFergal McCaffery, Philip S. Taylor, Gerry Coleman: Adept: A Unified Assessment Method for Small Software Companies. IEEE Software 24(1): 24-31 (2007)
9EEFergal McCaffery, Gerry Coleman: Developing a configuration management capability model for the medical device industry. IJISCM 2(2): 139-154 (2007)
8EEF. George Wilkie, Fergal McCaffery, Donald McFall, Neil Lester, Emmanuel Wilkinson: A Low-overhead method for software process appraisal. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(4): 339-349 (2007)
7 Fergal McCaffery, Rory O'Connor, Gerry Coleman: Developing a configuration management model for use in the medical device industry. ICSOFT (1) 2006: 81-88
6EEFergal Downey, Gerry Coleman, Fergal McCaffery: Experimenting with Agile Practices - First Things First. XP 2006: 205-208
5EEFergal McCaffery, Darja Smite, F. George Wilkie, Donald McFall: A proposed way for European software industries to achieve growth within the global marketplace. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(3): 277-285 (2006)
4EEFergal McCaffery, Donald McFall, Pat Donnelly, F. George Wilkie, Roy Sterritt: A Software Process Improvement Lifecycle Framework for the Medical Device Industry. ECBS 2005: 273-280
3EEFergal McCaffery, Donald McFall, F. George Wilkie: Improving the Express Process Appraisal Method. PROFES 2005: 286-298
2EEF. George Wilkie, Donald McFall, Fergal McCaffery: An evaluation of CMMI process areas for small- to medium-sized software development organisations. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 10(2): 189-201 (2005)
1EEFergal McCaffery, Michael F. McTear, Maureen Murphy: A Multimedia Interface for Circuit Board Assembly. Multimodal Human-Computer Communication 1995: 213-230

Coauthor Index

1Brian Bishop [12] [13]
2John Burton [14]
3Gerry Coleman [6] [7] [9] [10]
4Pat Donnelly [4]
5Fergal Downey [6]
6Derek Flood [12] [13]
7Neil Lester [8]
8Kevin McDaid [12] [13]
9Donald McFall [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
10Michael F. McTear [1]
11Peter Moller [11]
12Maureen Murphy [1]
13Rory O'Connor [7]
14Minna Pikkarainen [15]
15Ita Richardson [11] [14] [15]
16Darja Smite [5]
17Roy Sterritt [4]
18Philip S. Taylor [10]
19F. George Wilkie [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
20Emmanuel Wilkinson [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)