
Gilles Richard

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23EEAndrei Doncescu, Gilles Richard, Muhamed Farmer: Diagnostic and Therapy Prediction in Breast Cancer by Consistent Knowledge Discovery. CISIS 2008: 286-292
22 Sihem Belabbes, Gilles Richard: On Using SVM and Kolmogorov Complexity for Spam Filtering. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 130-135
21EEGilles Richard, Andrei Doncescu: Spam filtering using Kolmogorov complexity analysis. IJWGS 4(1): 136-148 (2008)
20EEF. Faure, M. Lopusniac, Gilles Richard, Muhammad Farmer: A complexity-based method for anti-spamming. ICDIM 2007: 315-320
19EEAndrei Doncescu, Muhammad Farmer, Katsumi Inoue, Gilles Richard: A web architecture for data mining in biology. AINA (2) 2006: 607-612
18 Andrei Doncescu, Katsumi Inoue, Muhammad Farmer, Gilles Richard: A Web-Based Architecture for Inductive Logic Programming in Biology. ICEIS (2) 2005: 357-361
17EEMathieu Serrurier, Henri Prade, Gilles Richard: A Simulated Annealing Framework for ILP. ILP 2004: 288-304
16EEHenri Prade, Gilles Richard, Mathieu Serrurier: On the Induction of Different Kinds of First-Order Fuzzy Rules. ECSQARU 2003: 370-381
15EEHenri Prade, Gilles Richard, Mathieu Serrurier: Learning First Order Fuzzy Logic Rules. IFSA 2003: 702-709
14EEHenri Prade, Gilles Richard, Mathieu Serrurier: Enriching Relational Learning with Fuzzy Predicates. PKDD 2003: 399-410
13EEGilles Richard, Fatima Zohra Kettaf: Proof Length as an Uncertainty Factor in ILP. Soft-Ware 2002: 128-140
12EEAndrei Doncescu, Julio Waissman, Gilles Richard, Gilles Roux: Characterization of bio-chemical signals by inductive logic programming. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(1-2): 129-137 (2002)
11EEGilles Richard: From disagreement sets to divergence levels in ILP. AMAI 2000
10EEMarc Sebban, Gilles Richard: From Theoretical Learnability to Statistical Measures of the Learnable. IDA 1999: 3-14
9 Gilles Richard: Comparison between Programs and Concepts in ILP. JFPLC 1999: 75-88
8EESiva Anantharaman, Gilles Richard: A Rewrite Mechanism for Logic Programs with Negation. Theor. Comput. Sci. 192(1): 77-106 (1998)
7 Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion, A. Tellez-Arenas: Intensional Set Constraints. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1997: 479-490
6 Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion, A. Tellez-Arenas: Intensional Sets Using Explicit Substitutions. ICFP 1997: 318
5EEGilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion: Answer Synthesis for CLP Programs with Negation. Logic Journal of the IGPL 5(3): (1997)
4 Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion: Answers Synthesis for CLP with Negation. ECAI 1996: 200-204
3 Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion: Constraint rewrite programs : a way to evaluate CLP programs. JFPLC 1995: 35-49
2 Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion: A Rewrite Approach for Constraint Logic Programming. LATIN 1995: 469-482
1 Siva Anantharaman, Gilles Richard: A Rewrite Mechanism for Logic Programs with Negation. RTA 1995: 163-178

Coauthor Index

1Siva Anantharaman [1] [8]
2Sihem Belabbes [22]
3Andrei Doncescu [12] [18] [19] [21] [23]
4Muhamed Farmer [23]
5Muhammad Farmer [18] [19] [20]
6F. Faure [20]
7Katsumi Inoue [18] [19]
8Fatima Zohra Kettaf [13]
9M. Lopusniac [20]
10Henri Prade [14] [15] [16] [17]
11Gilles Roux (Gilbert Roux) [12]
12Frédéric Saubion [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
13Marc Sebban [10]
14Mathieu Serrurier [14] [15] [16] [17]
15A. Tellez-Arenas [6] [7]
16Julio Waissman [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)