
Charles S. Revelle

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12EEVladimir Marianov, Michelle Mizumori, Charles S. Revelle: The heuristic concentration-integer and its application to a class of location problems. Computers & OR 36(5): 1406-1422 (2009)
11EECharles S. Revelle, Michelle Scholssberg, Justin Williams: Solving the maximal covering location problem with heuristic concentration. Computers & OR 35(2): 427-435 (2008)
10EEVladimir Marianov, Charles S. Revelle, Stephanie Snyder: Selecting compact habitat reserves for species with differential habitat size needs. Computers & OR 35(2): 475-487 (2008)
9EECharles S. Revelle, Horst A. Eiselt, Mark S. Daskin: A bibliography for some fundamental problem categories in discrete location science. European Journal of Operational Research 184(3): 817-848 (2008)
8EECharles S. Revelle, Horst A. Eiselt: Location analysis: A synthesis and survey. European Journal of Operational Research 165(1): 1-19 (2005)
7EEM. John Hodgson, Charles S. Revelle: Foreword. Annals OR 122(1-4): 17-19 (2003)
6EEJames W. George, Charles S. Revelle: Bi-Objective Median Subtree Location Problems. Annals OR 122(1-4): 219-232 (2003)
5EEM. John Hodgson, Charles S. Revelle: Foreword. Annals OR 123(1-4): 17-19 (2003)
4EEJoseph Harkness, Charles S. Revelle: Facility location with increasing production costs. European Journal of Operational Research 145(1): 1-13 (2003)
3EEJames W. George, Charles S. Revelle, John R. Current: The Maximum Utilization Subtree Problem. Annals OR 110(1-4): 133-151 (2002)
2EEJohn R. Current, Charles S. Revelle, Jared L. Cohon: An interactive approach to identify the best compromise solution for two objective shortest path problems. Computers & OR 17(2): 187-198 (1990)
1EEJared L. Cohon, Charles S. Revelle, John R. Current, Thomas Eagles, Russell C. Eberhart, Richard L. Church: Application of a multiobjective facility location model to power plant siting in a six-state region of the U.S. Computers & OR 7(1-2): 107-123 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Richard L. Church [1]
2Jared L. Cohon [1] [2]
3John R. Current [1] [2] [3]
4Mark S. Daskin [9]
5Thomas Eagles [1]
6Russell C. Eberhart [1]
7Horst A. Eiselt [8] [9]
8James W. George [3] [6]
9Joseph Harkness [4]
10M. John Hodgson [5] [7]
11Vladimir Marianov [10] [12]
12Michelle Mizumori [12]
13Michelle Scholssberg [11]
14Stephanie Snyder [10]
15Justin Williams [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)