
M. John Hodgson

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7EEM. John Hodgson, Charles S. Revelle: Foreword. Annals OR 122(1-4): 17-19 (2003)
6EEM. John Hodgson, Charles S. Revelle: Foreword. Annals OR 123(1-4): 17-19 (2003)
5EETsutomu Suzuki, M. John Hodgson: Multi-Service Facility Location Models. Annals OR 123(1-4): 223-240 (2003)
4EEM. John Hodgson, Jared Hewko: Aggregation and Surrogation Error in the p-Median Model. Annals OR 123(1-4): 53-66 (2003)
3EEM. John Hodgson: Data Surrogation Error in p-Median Models. Annals OR 110(1-4): 153-165 (2002)
2EEKenneth E. Rosing, M. John Hodgson: Heuristic concentration for the p-median: an example demonstrating how and why it works. Computers & OR 29(10): 1317-1330 (2002)
1EEMondher Hachicha, M. John Hodgson, Gilbert Laporte, Frédéric Semet: Heuristics for the multi-vehicle covering tour problem. Computers & OR 27(1): 29-42 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Mondher Hachicha [1]
2Jared Hewko [4]
3Gilbert Laporte [1]
4Charles S. Revelle [6] [7]
5Kenneth E. Rosing [2]
6Frédéric Semet [1]
7Tsutomu Suzuki [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)