2009 |
51 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Iain Phillips,
Michel A. Reniers,
Irek Ulidowski:
Semantics and expressiveness of ordered SOS.
Inf. Comput. 207(2): 85-119 (2009) |
2008 |
50 | EE | Sjoerd Cranen,
Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
A Rule Format for Associativity.
CONCUR 2008: 447-461 |
49 | EE | Pieter J. L. Cuijpers,
Michel A. Reniers:
Lost in Translation: Hybrid-Time Flows vs. Real-Time Transitions.
HSCC 2008: 116-129 |
48 | EE | Jan Friso Groote,
Michel A. Reniers,
Yaroslav S. Usenko:
Verification of networks of timed automata using mCRL2.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
47 | EE | Jos C. M. Baeten,
D. A. van Beek,
Pieter J. L. Cuijpers,
Michel A. Reniers,
J. E. Rooda,
Ramon R. H. Schiffelers,
R. J. M. Theunissen:
Model-based Engineering of Embedded Systems Using the Hybrid Process Algebra Chi.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 209: 21-53 (2008) |
2007 |
46 | EE | Kais Klai,
Laure Petrucci,
Michel A. Reniers:
An Incremental and Modular Technique for Checking LTL\X Properties of Petri Nets.
FORTE 2007: 280-295 |
45 | EE | Michel A. Reniers,
Muck van Weerdenburg:
Action Abstraction in Timed Process Algebra.
FSEN 2007: 287-301 |
44 | EE | D. A. van Beek,
Michel A. Reniers,
Ramon R. H. Schiffelers,
J. E. Rooda:
Foundations of a Compositional Interchange Format for Hybrid Systems.
HSCC 2007: 587-600 |
43 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
On Well-Foundedness and Expressiveness of Promoted Tyft: Being Promoted Makes a Difference.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 175(1): 45-56 (2007) |
42 | EE | D. A. van Beek,
J. E. Rooda,
Ramon R. H. Schiffelers,
Ka L. Man,
Michel A. Reniers:
Relating Hybrid Chi to Other Formalisms.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 191: 85-113 (2007) |
41 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
A Congruence Rule Format with Universal Quantification.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 192(1): 109-124 (2007) |
40 | EE | Jos C. M. Baeten,
Michel A. Reniers:
Duplication of constants in process algebra.
J. Log. Algebr. Program. 70(2): 151-171 (2007) |
39 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Jan Friso Groote:
SOS formats and meta-theory: 20 years after.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 373(3): 238-272 (2007) |
2006 |
38 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Iain C. C. Phillips,
Michel A. Reniers,
Irek Ulidowski:
The Meaning of Ordered SOS.
FSTTCS 2006: 333-344 |
37 | EE | Jan Friso Groote,
Michel A. Reniers,
Yaroslav S. Usenko:
Time abstraction in timed /spl mu/CRL a la regions.
IPDPS 2006 |
36 | EE | Jan Friso Groote,
Aad Mathijssen,
Michel A. Reniers,
Yaroslav S. Usenko,
Muck van Weerdenburg:
The Formal Specification Language mCRL2.
MMOSS 2006 |
35 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
Prototyping SOS Meta-theory in Maude.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 156(1): 135-150 (2006) |
34 | EE | Jan Friso Groote,
Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
A Hierarchy of SOS Rule Formats.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 156(1): 3-25 (2006) |
33 | EE | Pieter J. L. Cuijpers,
Michel A. Reniers:
Topological Aspects of Hybrid Processes: A Proposed Treatment Using Non-standard Analysis.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 162: 153-158 (2006) |
32 | EE | Jan Friso Groote,
Michel A. Reniers,
Yaroslav S. Usenko:
Discretization of Timed Automata in Timed mu.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 162: 197-202 (2006) |
31 | EE | D. A. van Beek,
Ka L. Man,
Michel A. Reniers,
J. E. Rooda,
Ramon R. H. Schiffelers:
Syntax and consistent equation semantics of hybrid Chi.
J. Log. Algebr. Program. 68(1-2): 129-210 (2006) |
30 | EE | P. C. W. den Brand van,
Michel A. Reniers,
Pieter J. L. Cuijpers:
Linearization of hybrid processes.
J. Log. Algebr. Program. 68(1-2): 54-104 (2006) |
2005 |
29 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Murdoch Gabbay,
Michel A. Reniers:
SOS for Higher Order Processes.
CONCUR 2005: 308-322 |
28 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
Congruence for Structural Congruences.
FoSSaCS 2005: 47-62 |
27 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
Orthogonal Extensions in Structural Operational Semantics.
ICALP 2005: 1214-1225 |
26 | EE | Jos C. M. Baeten,
Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers:
Timing the Untimed: Terminating Successfully While Being Conservative.
Processes, Terms and Cycles 2005: 251-279 |
25 | EE | Michel A. Reniers,
Yaroslav S. Usenko:
Analysis of Timed Processes with Data Using Algebraic Transformations.
TIME 2005: 192-194 |
24 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Jan Friso Groote:
Notions of bisimulation and congruence formats for SOS with data.
Inf. Comput. 200(1): 107-147 (2005) |
23 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Jan Friso Groote:
A syntactic commutativity format for SOS.
Inf. Process. Lett. 93(5): 217-223 (2005) |
22 | EE | Ka L. Man,
Michel A. Reniers,
Pieter J. L. Cuijpers:
Case Studies in The Hybrid Process Algebra Hypa.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(2): 299-306 (2005) |
21 | EE | Pieter J. L. Cuijpers,
Michel A. Reniers:
Hybrid process algebra.
J. Log. Algebr. Program. 62(2): 191-245 (2005) |
2004 |
20 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Jan Friso Groote:
Congruence for SOS with Data.
LICS 2004: 303-312 |
19 | EE | Jos C. M. Baeten,
Michel A. Reniers:
Timed Process Algebra (With a Focus on Explicit Termination and Relative-Timing).
SFM 2004: 59-97 |
18 | EE | Wan Fokkink,
Jan Friso Groote,
Michel A. Reniers:
Process Algebra Needs Proof Methodology (Columns: Concurrency).
Bulletin of the EATCS 82: 109-125 (2004) |
17 | EE | Pieter J. L. Cuijpers,
Michel A. Reniers:
Topological (Bi-)Simulation.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 100: 49-64 (2004) |
2003 |
16 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Twan Basten,
Michel R. V. Chaudron:
Separation of Concerns in the Formal Design of Real-Time Shared Data-Space Systems.
ACSD 2003: 71-81 |
15 | EE | Mohammad Reza Mousavi,
Michel A. Reniers,
Twan Basten,
Michel R. V. Chaudron:
PARS: A Process Algebra with Resources and Schedulers.
FORMATS 2003: 134-150 |
14 | EE | Ramon R. H. Schiffelers,
D. A. van Beek,
Ka L. Man,
Michel A. Reniers,
J. E. Rooda:
Formal Semantics of Hybrid Chi.
FORMATS 2003: 151-165 |
13 | EE | D. A. van Beek,
Niek G. Jansen,
J. E. Rooda,
Ramon R. H. Schiffelers,
Ka L. Man,
Michel A. Reniers:
Hybrid dynamic systems: relating Chi to hybrid automata.
Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 632-640 |
12 | EE | J. J. T. Kleijn,
Michel A. Reniers,
J. E. Rooda:
Analysis of an Industrial System.
Formal Methods in System Design 22(3): 249-282 (2003) |
2002 |
11 | | Michel A. Reniers,
Jan Friso Groote,
Mark van der Zwaag,
Jos van Wamel:
Completeness of Timed mCRL.
Fundam. Inform. 50(3-4): 361-402 (2002) |
10 | EE | André Engels,
Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
A hierarchy of communication models for Message Sequence Charts.
Sci. Comput. Program. 44(3): 253-292 (2002) |
2000 |
9 | | Jos C. M. Baeten,
Jan A. Bergstra,
Michel A. Reniers:
Discrete time process algebra with silent step.
Proof, Language, and Interaction 2000: 535-570 |
1999 |
8 | EE | Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
Operational Semantics for MSC'96.
Computer Networks 31(17): 1785-1799 (1999) |
1998 |
7 | EE | J. J. T. Kleijn,
J. E. Rooda,
Michel A. Reniers:
A Process Algebra Based Verification of a Production System.
ICFEM 1998: 90-99 |
1997 |
6 | | André Engels,
Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
A Hierarchy of Communication Models for Message Sequence Charts.
FORTE 1997: 75-90 |
5 | | Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
High-level message sequence charts.
SDL Forum 1997: 291-306 |
4 | | Loe M. G. Feijs,
Michel A. Reniers:
Lazy Functional Programs in a Concurrent Environment.
Comput. J. 40(9): 572-584 (1997) |
3 | | S. H. J. Bos,
Michel A. Reniers:
The I²C-Bus in Discrete-Time Process Algebra.
Sci. Comput. Program. 29(1-2): 235-258 (1997) |
1996 |
2 | | Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
Refinement in Interworkings.
CONCUR 1996: 671-686 |
1994 |
1 | | Sjouke Mauw,
Michel A. Reniers:
An Algebraic Semantics of Basic Message Sequence Charts.
Comput. J. 37(4): 269-278 (1994) |