
Rolf Reinema

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11EEMichael Zapf, Rolf Reinema: Merging Virtual and Real Worlds in an Agent-Oriented Collaborative Environment. MATA 2003: 121-131
10EEBin Hu, Andreas Kuhlenkamp, Rolf Reinema: Supporting Group Awareness in Web Based Learning Environments. EDCIS 2002: 525-536
9EEMichael Zapf, Rolf Reinema, Ruben Wolf, Sven Türpe: UNITE - An Agent-Oriented Teamwork Environment. MATA 2002: 302-316
8EEReinhold Kloos, Rolf Reinema, Michael Schroeder: Adaptive Traders for Communication in Cooperative Rooms. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 1(3): 401-422 (2002)
7 Rolf Reinema: RaumComputer - Eine Plattform für integrierte Gebäudedienste. Wirtschaftsinformatik 44(4): 367-373 (2002)
6EEMarie-Luise Moschgath, Jörg Hähner, Rolf Reinema: Sm@rtLibrary - An Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Technologies and Applications. ICDCS Workshops 2001: 208-213
5EERolf Reinema, Knut A. Bahr, H.-J. Burkhardt, Marie-Luise Moschgath, Ludger Hovestadt: roomComputers-Bridging Spaces. FTDCS 1999: 75-80
4EEDaniel A. Tietze, Ajit Bapat, Rolf Reinema: Document-Centric Groupware for Distributed Governmental Agencies. CAiSE 1998: 173-190
3 Thomas Kunkelmann, Thomas Blecher, Rolf Reinema, Ralf Steinmetz: Evaluation of Different Video Encryption Methods for a Secure Multimedia Conferencing Gateway. COST 237 Workshop 1997: 75-89
2 Thomas Kunkelmann, Rolf Reinema: A Scalable Security Gateway for Distributed Multimedia Communication Tools. DAIS 1997
1 Thomas Kunkelmann, Rolf Reinema: A Scalable Security Architecture for Multimedia Communication Standards. ICMCS 1997: 660-662

Coauthor Index

1Knut A. Bahr [5]
2Ajit Bapat [4]
3Thomas Blecher [3]
4H.-J. Burkhardt [5]
5Jörg Hähner [6]
6Ludger Hovestadt [5]
7Bin Hu [10]
8Reinhold Kloos [8]
9Andreas Kuhlenkamp [10]
10Thomas Kunkelmann [1] [2] [3]
11Marie-Luise Moschgath [5] [6]
12Michael Schroeder [8]
13Ralf Steinmetz [3]
14Daniel A. Tietze [4]
15Sven Türpe [9]
16Ruben Wolf [9]
17Michael Zapf [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)