
Knut A. Bahr

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4EERolf Reinema, Knut A. Bahr, H.-J. Burkhardt, Marie-Luise Moschgath, Ludger Hovestadt: roomComputers-Bridging Spaces. FTDCS 1999: 75-80
3 Knut A. Bahr, Elfriede Hinsch, Günter Schulze: Incorporating Security Functions in Multimedia Conferencing Applications in the Context of the MICE Project. IWACA 1994: 216-223
2 Knut A. Bahr, Michael Giessler, Jürgen Repp: Steps toward a corporate network based on packet switching and ISDN. ICCC 1988: 492-496
1 Knut A. Bahr: Interworking Between X.25, X.21, and ISDN Devices. ICCC 1986: 729-734

Coauthor Index

1H.-J. Burkhardt [4]
2Michael Giessler [2]
3Elfriede Hinsch [3]
4Ludger Hovestadt [4]
5Marie-Luise Moschgath [4]
6Rolf Reinema [4]
7Jürgen Repp [2]
8Günter Schulze [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)